shayna776's profile   

Gender: Female
Profession: Student - Neuroscience Major
Age: 37
Current Weight: 76.2 kg
Goal Weight: 61.2 kg
Location: Claremont, California
About me: 
I'm a senior at Claremont McKenna College, and as mentioned above I'm a neuroscience major. After graduation in 2009 I'll be pursuing a PhD in neuroscience. I spend most of my time in the lab doing research and for my research I get to do brain surgery. When I'm not in the lab I'm usually outside running, hiking, biking, swimming, or laying on the beach. I also like to do yoga, but that's usually inside. I'm also an atheist and a vegetarian, but those things don't have much to do with each other.
Why do I run: 
I love how I feel when I run. I love the weight loss factor, the confidence boost, the fact that it decreases my stress, and the fact that my overall fitness increases.
Why I started running: 
I started running in 8th grade when my favorite science teacher became a cross country coach and asked me if I would like to be on the team. I hated it, but I completed the season, then came back for another season in 10th grade!