Help trying to diagnose hip pain (Read 84 times)


    44 yr old male, 30-35 mpw.  No history of any hip issues.


    Had some soreness on "outside" of (right) hip.  First day only noticed it while running but felt better after a couple miles.  Second day, it never went away and felt "painful" the whole run (not acute pain, just soreness, something not 100%).  After the run, it felt worse and affected me walking and in certain motion/movements.  Stopped running.


    Sitting in chair (or driving car) I have trouble lifting my foot when it's on the ground.  I can do it, but it feels like the muscle responsible for that is weak.  The other time I feel it is putting on pants.  I can stand on my right leg fine vertically, but when I put my left leg in the pants, my right side shifts laterally to the side and it feels weak.


    I had been running 6-7 days per week for many months.  I've gone almost 2 full weeks with no running at all and it hasn't really changed, feels almost the same.  Ibuprofen doesn't seem to affect it.  Feels fine 90% of the time (no soreness), just certain movements bother it.


    Sitting in my office chair for long periods, sitting "indian style" for 2 hour movie, sitting cross legged, feels fine.  Laying on the hip feels fine.  Been trying to roll it out with foam roller, can't say it is doing much.


    Any ideas?  Any help appreciated.


      Guessing by your description (I am not a doctor) it could be a tight, knotted tensor fasciae latae and/or gluteous medius or tight psoas or ilicus  or could be your IT band.  Sitting is the enemy!  For me, foam rolling helps some, but using a tennis ball (or harder lacrosse ball) to  release the knotted muscles (trigger points)  followed by stretching helps more.  All kinds of YouTube videos out there to get ideas how to release and stretch tight hip flexors.   Releasing the knots can be extremely painful but stretching without doing that first is almost a waste of time, at least for me.  A good chiropractor and a good acupuncturist can help too.  A really good chiropractor will sort out the problem(s) and show you effective stretches for your specific problem(s).


      Consistently Slow

        Guessing could be your IT band.

        +1. Goggle IT band stretching. 3 or 4 times a week should give some relief in 10days.if it is an IT band issue.

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter


        I look my best blurry!

          I would make an orthopedic appt with a hip specialist if you have good insurance.  It could be a labrum issue.  Better safe than sorry if you have good insurance.