Weight/core training DVD recommendations? (Read 1672 times)


    I know this is an old thread but wondering if anyone here has been doing the dvds that were mentioned. I just bought Building a Better Runner DVD. It looks tough but I like that it's runner specific.
    ok, so i've done this workout and I like it but just so you know, this is not a typical workout DVD. They show the exercise and then quickly move on to another exercise. So, basically, they're showing you what to do but they only do a few reps of each, whereas, I found myself continually pausing the DVD so that I could do more before it moved on. I like it though. Just know, if you anyone here decides to get this one, that's it basic and raw... if you know what I mean.

    Me and my gang in Breck

      http://www.runnersworld.com/video/index.html?bcpid=717784762&bclid=1126074425&bctid=1348327116 The above link is a video of core exercises that I did when I was having problems with ITBS and it's free.

      That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Neitzsche "Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go." "Dedication and commitment are what transfer dreams into reality."
