Stretching and Performance (Read 619 times)


    I've never been a fan of stretching before a run. Looks like I did not need to feel guilty about it. Check out this article: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/122341.php

    Queen of 3rd Place

      Not exactly. They specifically studied static and ballistic stretching only, they still think dynamic stretching is a good idea. I don't have access to this journal from home, but the abstract is here: http://www.nsca-jscr.org/pt/re/jscr/abstract.00124278-200809000-00006.htm;jsessionid=LpNL4c2kjpQFGHMH9K8vml37pyp0mLDm6D0TK9vX3pByPyJvTthN!542054210!181195628!8091!-1 Arla

      Ex runner