Progress Graphic on the Summary Page (Read 530 times)

Running on the ocean

    I have a question which is probably very easy to answer. On my summary page there is a graphic on the bottom of the page. When I look at the other member's page that graphic shows very neatly their last workouts. When I look at mine it looks really squeezed and we cannot really see anything. I've tried to change it by going to option but no success. What do I do wrong? Thanks for any help. Jakob

    You know when you're running a ultra marathon because the pain actually starts to hurt
    -- Jakob Herrmann
    my running achievements

    Running on the ocean

      Of course, I believe I found what I did wrong... I've entered coming-up races way into 2008 (Till Nov 2008 since I have a 100 mile race coming up). I guess that's the problem. However, I don't really want to delete those future events and as far as I know that's the only way to save them. Or I still seeing something wrong. Ahhh... brain-freeze... Jakob

      You know when you're running a ultra marathon because the pain actually starts to hurt
      -- Jakob Herrmann
      my running achievements

      Running on the ocean

        And sure enough I also found out that there is a function where we can save events. That would do the trick and I remove all future dates in my running log, which then should fix the graphic at the bottom of the summary page. I apologize for this confusion. I should perhaps ask how to remove *stupid* forum entries LMAO

        You know when you're running a ultra marathon because the pain actually starts to hurt
        -- Jakob Herrmann
        my running achievements