Navigation, links (Read 504 times)

    Hi, Some suggestions for inter-linking on the summary page for a run (what you get when you click a workout on the calendar): 1. Add Next and Prev nav. links to take you directly to the next/previous day's workout (or next workout or whatever makes sense) 2. Add links on Course and Shoe line to "all runs on this course" and "all runs with this shoe". The fields are already linked to the course and shoe entries -- I'm proposing an additional link so that I can quickly get a list of all runs on the same course or with that shoes. [An extension, which would require some indexing work behind the scenes, would be to be able to step through runs on the same course sequentially with single clicks. Rapidly generalizes to something complex like user-defined iteration sequences which is way beyond the scope of this project. . . .] No hurry or worry -- still love the site just as it is! -tm35
    eric :)

      Hi Tom, I'll look into iterating through the workouts. Not quite sure how to do it, but then, it can't be easy all the time. You can already do what you want with request #2. Click on the name of the course or shoe will bring you a list of workouts for that particular item. Anyway, I'll keep your request in mind when I redo the analysis stuff, which is the next major set of changes scheduled to be done next. eric Smile
        I'll look into iterating through the workouts. Not quite sure how to do it, but then, it can't be easy all the time.
        I wasn't seriously suggesting you tackle this problem -- it feels really ugly and pretty hard! But, continuing along my earlier line of thought, from the user point of view, I think the interface would be a bit like for charting, except that what you build is a set of criteria for a "thread" through the list of workouts. The ordered list has to be cached somewhere (server-side?) and the user simply steps through it, one-by-one. "Details are left to the dedicated designer-programmer." Whatever you do, please, please put this at the very, very end of your requested feature list!
        You can already do what you want with request #2. Click on the name of the course or shoe will bring you a list of workouts for that particular item.
        Maybe I'm missing something -- when I click on the "adidas Blah" link on the "Shoe: adidas Blah" line of the page for a particular workout, I get a page showing the info for that shoe, not the list of all runs with that shoe. Similarly, clicking on a course name gets me the info page for the course (map, default distance, surface, etc.), not the list of all runs on that course. Am I following the wrong link, or did I misinterpret what you meant? I know that from the "Shoes" page I can get the list I want, similarly from the "Courses" page -- what I was thinking of was getting that functionality on the workout page. Cut out a few clicks, if you follow. Thanks again for being so patient in listening and responding to our chatter, -tom
        eric :)

          Ah! I got it. I misunderstood your request. It's been happening quite a lot lately. Maybe it has something to do with lack of sleep. Anyway, I'll be redoing all that stuff soon so now is the time to list all the requests for that. Particularly, I want to redo the search form. It's kinda clunky, and not too beginner friendly. It's convenient if you know exactly what you want. Anyway, the goal of the site is to create easy to use tools for us runners, so it'll always be a work in progress. Please don't feel like you're being demanding. Your very few requests have made the site better for all of us. eric Smile
            I have to second tm35's request #1. I use the notes function a lot when I'm logging runs, and often want to page through a week's worth of workouts to look at trends. It's easy enough to use Firefox and have the workouts list open in one tab, with whatever specifc one I'm looking at in another, but it'd be great to just have prev and next llinks sometime. No rush though. This place is hands-down the best log on the internet as it is.
              Some other navigation features that came to mind as I vainly browsed through my recent workouts: 1. On the "Courses" list page -- add number of runs on each course, date of last run on each course, and total miles run by course. This is basically moving some info from the page that comes up when you click a course up to the main courses page. I don't think the duplication hurts, but it could impact load/processing/rendering times, so might not be such a clever idea. (How many of your derived quantities like pace and total miles per course (or shoe) are cached?) 2. Similar for the "Shoes" list page (don't know how useful this would be). 3. On the information page for a single course -- list the date the course was created. I think you might already store this qty or something like it, in order to be able to compute "courses used in last three months". 4. With a lot of help, I've been backfilling some historical runs, and I'd love a summary page that shows monthly and yearly totals for more than just the last few months, which is all the Summary page currently shows. I have some more ideas here for organization and presentation, but they need to gel a bit more. Thanks so much for this awesome tool! -tm35