Getting slower and weaker - iron?? (Read 403 times)


    Hey, sorry for disappearing. I went back to Europe early November and got blood tests done at the same time - I did have iron deficiency, worse than ever... and I'm better now. But I still think there was another factor contributing since my deterioration started so suddenly. Anyway, I think that other factor must be out of the way now too. I'm almost back to normal. Not totally back to my previous good shape yet but almost there. Smile


    How are you doing? Did the HRM help? Or something else? I agree the grief could've affected things and I do think the other factor may have included some stress in my case too that I was unaware of the time (I will never know if this is true). Also something must've been different in the USA, weather, food, idk, I've been back in in EU since November and it's all fine. Tho' if it was something with the weather etc in the USA I'm sure I'd have got used to it over time if I had had to stay longer.


    Hey! Thanks for checking in! Glad to hear you're doing better.


    I'm much better too. Took it really easy for several months and am now cautiously training for the Berlin marathon in September, making sure to incorporate strength training. So far, so good. No dead legs and I can run fast again!


      Hey! Thanks for checking in! Glad to hear you're doing better.


      I'm much better too. Took it really easy for several months and am now cautiously training for the Berlin marathon in September, making sure to incorporate strength training. So far, so good. No dead legs and I can run fast again!


      Cool, did you do anything else other than just going easy for a few months? Heart rate training? Any idea why you had the problem in the first place?


      Good luck for Berlin!

        *bump* Smile
