Summary Page Doesn't Load - 504 Gateway Time-out (Read 47 times)


    The Summary page doesn't load when I click on the tab for it.  It just spins for a while and then the message "504 Gateway Time-out" "The server didn't respond in time" appears on the page.


    I'm using Windows 10 and Google Chrome Version 80.0.3987.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)


    My summary page url:  https://www.runningahead.com/logs/e788c4cb9dc74dc796237554f4bbcf2d

    an amazing likeness

      Likely, a brief database outage for some maintenance work...check now.

      Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.

      eric :)

        Hi madisonrunner,

        It looks like one of your widgets is involving too much data such that the gateway timed out after 1 minute. Let me see if I can find and delete that widget.


        eric Smile


          Eric, thanks for looking into it.  I was able to get the page to load and then I removed all of the widgets and tested them one by one to get response times for each one (using Chrome's console).  Here's the data:


          Overall Run Totals - 0.607s
          Weekly Run stats - 15.83s
          Monthly Run stats - 15.52s
          Rolling Run stats - 30.51s
          Run streak - 0.196s
          [Goal] Run: 4000 mi in 2020 - 8.04s
          Weekly, Monthly, Rolling, and Overall Core - 1.39s
          Weekly, Monthly, Rolling, and Overall B-run - 0.843s
          Weekly, Monthly, Rolling, and Overall Walk - 0.695s
          [New setup]Run Goal, Run Streak, Overall Run totals, Overall Core totals, Monthly Core stats, Overall walk totals, monthly walk stats - 8.42s


          Does my massive amount of historical data impact the calculation of all of the stats even though they are only displaying recent data?  I love your site, have used it since the early 2000s, and uploaded my pre-RA data as well.  If you can improve the load times to make the statistics useful for users with a lot of data like me, that would be awesome.  But, even if you can't, I'm here to stay Smile.

          eric :)

            A quick tally of the times shows it took over a minute to generate the page.  I increased the gateway timeout from 1 to 2 minutes, which is why you are able to load the page.The stats widgets count every relevant workout individually, which is very slow. Other parts of the log use a different mechanism that get the data real fast. I just need to find time to switch the summary page widgets over. It might take a while because I wrote this code so long ago that I need to relearn it first.