Shins splints - can I do a 16 miler? (Read 743 times)


    I'm training for my first marathon in October and I'm sure the increase in miles have my legs taking notice; my shins are just beginning to ache. Not much pain yet, but I'm nervous. I did buy a new pair of shoes yesterday. They are Gel Evolution 4 and I'm switching these off with my Kayano's. I'm also freezing dixie cups and icing after my runs. So, my question for you. I have a 16 mile run scheduled for Saturday. I'm thinking I'll cross train tomorrow instead of running 9 miles and go for the 16 on Saturday. The long runs are crucial for my head - I hate to miss them. Do you think trying for the 16 is a bad idea? Also how often would you ice? Is only after running enough or is more better. Ugh....
      Assuming your shins are just sore and haven't crossed the "pain" line, I say go for it. As far as icing, I can't help you. I use The Stick for sore muscles and will occasionally stand in my pool if it is cold out and my legs are a little sore after a long run.

      When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?


        My shins are sore on and off but never really while I run (not enough to stop running). I just have to make sure I warm them up really well (tippy toe forward, heel walk backwards and so on). As long as you aren't grimacing through the pain you should be OK. If in doubt though seek expert advice...

          I have gotten shin splints off and on for the past 5 years or so. Each time I got them, I went to the doctor. They just told me stop running for about 6 weeks and take Ibuprofen. The last time I got them (in May), I said no way am I stopping. I did my own research on the web and looked up what other people do. I dropped my weekly milage in half and started stretching all the time. The websites that helped me were: http://www.sportsinjurybulletin.com/archive/0161-shin-splints-treatment.htm http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/cybertherapist/front/lowerleg/shinsplints/stretching.php http://www.watfxc.com/TF/TF%20Education/shin_splints.htm No shin splints since. Now any time I start to get any shin pain I slow my pace way down and start stretching more.

          Goals :
          •Drop to 180 #s and hold steady around that weight 


            Thanks Mikeb4789. I'm going to use those stretches/exercises to see if I can rid myself of my occasional shin soreness. Smile

              Thanks Mikeb4789 - great articles! Lots of very, very good advice. I did do 16 today and felt good. Not great, but seriously after running 16 who feels great????????? Thanks for all of the great suggestions. I'm so nervous about injuries as Oct 5th is coming up quick. Sometimes I think I'm paying so much attention to my body that I loose sight that running for 3 hours is going to cause some aches and pains. I struggle knowing what aches are important to pay attention to and what is just normal wear and tear!