Close calls on a new day (Read 704 times)

    It would take more than a couple adult beverages for me to get over those incidents, I'm very glad to hear you both escaped completely unscathed. There's nothing like a miracle or two to start your New Year off right.

    Greater Lowell Road Runners
    Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

    May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

      Goodness, that sounds scary! Surely that covers you for the rest of 2008 and into '09 as far as close calls!! Lisa
      I plan to be running as long as I can and have no plans to stop. --Frank Shorter