Jogging Strollers the good, bad and ugly (Read 869 times)


    I don't have kids, but I did have a Golden Retriever who used to regularly run 6-milers with me. When she got too old to walk even a half-mile, I still didn't have the heart to leave her home. I bought a jogging stroller/bike trailer, replaced the baby seat with a dog bed and harness/seat belt. When I would do my long runs, 16 miles at that time, my husband would ride the bike with her in tow. Otherwise we took her along on most of our daily runs. I even entered her in a bicycling event where my husband bicycled and I pushed the dog in the stoller. It was SO much fun and we got quite a good reception from the other participants. The features that were important to me were: very lightweight, very easy to maneuver, comfortable handle height, pockets for things like a water bottle, etc., and the sun/rain shade.

    Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

    Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.
