Running2Win exports (Read 52 times)


    having issues uploading my run data from R2W .csv files. also tried changing extension to .xls format. anyone else encounter this?


      can anyone help or point me to a solution?


        having issues uploading my run data from R2W .csv files. also tried changing extension to .xls format. anyone else encounter this?


        What exactly are you doing to try to upload?  I don't use R2W, but I just took a quick look at their interface, and it seems you enter everything there manually.  Do you upload a GPS map with your activities as well from somewhere else?


        Again, just exactly what is the method you have tried?


          Im taking my running logs (from starting back as far as 2005) and exported tham as .xls files (.csv are equally possible)


          looking on this site, there is an upload tool to get all of that data into the system here, but when I do it, it gives me an error.


            to further explain, on the upload tool, there is a specific Running2Win upload file option. I click on that, select my .xls file and go to upload but get the error that the file is not formatted correctly or has errors.




              I am not the tech expert on this site....but you might try ZIPping the file before the upload.


              First do a search for the ZIP process.  It's very quick.  On Windows, just a right click and 1 or 2 more clicks.  Not sure about Apple.  That saves the file with a .zip extension.


              Then, do the upload to RA again, choosing the zip file, not the original file.