Stretches for Gumby? (Read 98 times)


    I'm related to Gumby.  We're like second cousins once removed or something.


    I can't seem to get good stretches in my legs, lower back, hips, etc.  My knees swivel and everything is just too flexible. But, strangely, I have somewhat tight IT bands. In Bob Anderson's "Stretching" only a few stretches really seem to work.  A few Youtube vids have okay stretches, but it's very hit or miss even within the same video.


    Are there any good resource for stretching the way-too-stretchy outdoor athlete? (running, cycling, hiking, etc.)



      Why do you need to stretch your IT band?  Are you having sharp pain at the top near the hip or outside of your knee?  The IT band is a super thick, super strong band of fascia and not prone to stretching or lengthening, so trying to stretch it even more likely won't help.  Foam rolling the IT band is dubious as well, so if you try that, approach with caution (I'm sure it's worked for plenty of people, but smashing an inflamed band of fascia is counter intuitive).


      Rather than roll or stretch the band itself, consider if you glutes, specifically glute med, are not strong enough to stabilize your hips.  Doing some glute exercises and becoming more mindful of when and how they fire would be a good place to start.  When your glutes are too weak to stabilize your hips, your TFL picks up the slack, and the TFL runs into the IT band at the trochanter.  Excess stress in your TFL may translate to excess stress and imbalances forces in your IT band, shearing the fibers.


      Foam rolling quads, hammies, calves, etc, can certainly help as well, just by loosening those muscles and the fascia around them.  Strengthening quads, specifically your VMO, can help too.


      BUT...the reason I ask WHY you need to stretch is because your IT bands may be fine, but surrounding muscles too weak.  Especially with the way you describe yourself, have you looked into Ehlers Danlos Syndrome?  A connective tissue disorder that sometimes results in "double jointedness," among other symptoms.  May be worth mentioning to your doctor, though there is no cure, just management, and it sounds like your flexibility isn't really a huge problem.

      Not running for my health, but in spite of it.


        thanks for the reply.


        The purpose of my post was to find a resource that has stretches for someone who is ultra flexible (specifically, legs, lower back, hips, etc.)


        I did mention my IT bands are somewhat tight, but only out of curiosity sake, as everything else on my body is more flexible than normal. I'm not seeking IT band stretches, nor do I believe I have any weird syndromes.  I just want to stretch some muscles after working out.

        some call me Tim

          If you aren't having a specific problem, I wouldn't worry about it. *At all*. Stretching after workouts is overrated to put it mildly and I seriously don't bother with no ill effects. Mobility work (what kilkee was talking about) is different.



            I realize what you were asking; just trying to offer additional advice and recommend that maybe you should look into better understanding your flexibility/hypermobility. My bad.  The same stretches that the rest of the population does will suit you just fine.




            The purpose of my post was to find a resource that has stretches for someone who is ultra flexible (specifically, legs, lower back, hips, etc.)



            Not running for my health, but in spite of it.



              Runners run



                Inversion table.

                Not running for my health, but in spite of it.