Uploading Movescount files in FIT format from my Suunto Ambit Peak 3 (Read 56 times)


    I love the Suunto, and the uploading is fairly seamless.  and the FIT file format seemed to capture the lap data detail (which GPX format does not seem to).  However, I have just noticed that I am losing the last lap when it appears in RunningAhead.  Am I doing something wrong, or should I use another format?  Besides GPX, other option is TCX (and XLSX  and KML).







      I have found TCX to import more reliably than FIT. I have run into weird stuff with uploaded FIT data on a few occasions, but it does work most of the time. I have never had issues with TCX.


        I did try the tcx format today.  It needed cleaning up a bit but did seem to work a bit more reliably.  Thanks much.

        eric :)

          Hi Rob,

          I'm starting to see FIT files being generated by non-Garmin devices and applications.  The FIT file format is somewhat "loose" and can cause problems if the developer did not create it to spec, or put it in order that's not expected by the application reading it.  It is likely that the latter is the case for Suunto generated files.  Please send a few files to support@runningahead.com so I can take a look.


          As for GPX, it is not a file format designed to store workout data.  It has no concept of intervals, which is why there is no interval data.  TCX is probably a safe alternative.


          eric Smile

          eric :)

            Hi Rob,

            The FIT file consists of a stream of packets.  A data packet contains your position and the time of day.  A series of these packets represents your route in time.  A lap packet describes a lap.  It specifies at what time a lap starts, and for how long.  It may optionally contain summary information such as your pace, min/max heart rate, cadence, temperature, etc.


            I interpreted the documentation to say that there should be a lap packet for each lap.  If a workout has 4 laps, then there should be 4 lap packets.  Movescount seemed to interpret the documentation to say the lap packet marks the boundary of two laps.  So instead of having a lap packet for every lap in the workout, you end up having one fewer packet.  For example, only 3 lap packets are needed to indicate the workout has 4 laps.  Since RA relies on these lap packets for lap information, you end up missing a lap.


            I modified the code to check for missing lap packets, and will deploy the change probably in a few days after additional testing because the change may have side effects.


            eric Smile