The Muscle Factor Model (Read 3142 times)


    How do I train all the individual muscle fibers? The short answer is "by exercising each fiber to overload". How do I overload a fiber? Train it to or close to the point of fatigue. Fatigue = overload Recall that different fibers have different levels of capacity. Some fibers can contract for 2 hours before they fatigue. Other fibers fatigue in a matter of seconds. This means that training has to be organized so that it overloads specific fibers. You won't overload a fiber with 10 minutes of exercise if that fiber is capable of contracting for an hour before it fatigues. You won't overload a fiber if you run so slowly that the fiber is not activated and contracting. In training terms, here is what this means. For runners racing distances between 100 meters and the marathon I suggest 6 distinct training paces / workouts in order to fatigue as many fibers as is practical. The 6 training paces: 1. Marathon pace 2. 1/2 marathon pace 3. 10k pace 4. 5k pace 5. 2k pace 6. Sprint pace These 6 training paces will train as many fibers as can be reasonably trained.
    Rich World's Fastest Slow Runner

      Marathon pace workout = long runs (12 to 25 miles) conducted at easy to moderate intensity. This workout maximally trains the weakest but most enduring of Slow Twitch fibers. 1/2 marathon pace workoute = medium long run (8-12 miles) conducted at a moderate intensity (slightly faster pace than marathon pace). This workout maximally trains the average Slow Twitch fibers. 10k pace workout = medium distance (5-7 miles) run conducted at a moderate to moderately hard intensity (about 10k pace). This workout maximally trains the fastest Slow Twitch fibers and the slowest Fast A fibers 5k pace workout = shorter distance (2-4 miles) run conducted at a moderately hard intensity (about 5k pace). This workout maximally trains the average Fast A fibers. 2k pace workout = short distance (1-2 miles) run conducted at a hard intensity. This workout maximally trains the fastest Fast A fibers. Sprint pace workout = very short distance (100 meters - 1200 meters) sprints / intervals conducted at a very hard intensity. This workout maximaly trains the weakest of Fast B fibers.
      Rich World's Fastest Slow Runner

        All 6 workouts cannot be done in a single week - the intensity will be too high and overtraining will occur quickly. The 6 workouts can be conducted over a 2 week training schedule: Week 1: Sprint workout, 5k workout, 1/2 marathon workout Week 2: 2k workout, 10k workout, Marathon workout Week 1 Monday - sprint pace workout Wednesday - 5k pace workout Saturday - 1/2 marathon pace workout Week 2 Monday - 2k pace workout Wednesday - 10k pace workout Saturday - Marathon pace workout The 6 paces are the core training workouts. They enable one to train as many individual muscle fibers as is reasonable and possible to train via running. For those of average abilities, they will be the only running workouts needed. For those with above average abilities (and those who simply want to run more), additional run days in the form of easy pace (significantly slower than marathon pace) runs can be added. Cross training & strength training can be added to the 6 running workouts for a more complete fitness program and, likely, some additional improvement in run performance.
        Rich World's Fastest Slow Runner

          I don't necessarily think his theories are correct; at best perhaps controversial, but I don't think being able to run faster than he can is a compelling counter argument. Simon.
          Richard's only in his mid-40's. He has a 5k pr of about 22 minutes I think, but he can only muster up about 29-30 minutes now. I guess he's back to drum up some web site hits. His two discussion boards are dead, one has only his own posts in it, the other hasn't had a new post since last June. We can expect him to link to his sites fairly soon in this thread. ETA: Oooh, look: I found a Missile Factory Model
            Richard's only in his mid-40's. He has a 5k pr of about 22 minutes I think, but he can only muster up about 29-30 minutes now. I guess he's back to drum up some web site hits. His two discussion boards are dead, one has only his own posts in it, the other hasn't had a new post since last June. We can expect him to link to his sites fairly soon in this thread.
            Haha. Nice prediction, Jim. I wonder if he called the FIRST people to let them know he has rebranded their stuff.

            When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

              JK's Muscle Factor Model Theory: Count the word in the theoretical explanations posted above. Whatever number you come up with - don't actually read them. Just count. Then run that number of miles in each of the next two years. I guarantee dramatic improvement - or your money back.
              I would definitely subscribe to this, JK. Where can I buy your program?

              When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

              Feeling the growl again

                It was only a matter of time before Dick found his way over here I guess. Dick, do you see noone cares? You just posted a ream of your unsupported gibberish and noone engaged you. How many websites does it take to get through to you? Dick is very good at creating shock and awe with his lack of basic logic skills and discussion ability. If he persists I can always post some nice examples I though ahead to save from CR. Give us a list of people you have successfully coached to decent times with your quackery.

                "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                Good Bad & The Monkey

                  So this is a comet topic on a more cosmic level? Cool.

                  Good Bad & The Monkey

                    Actually, this was quite useful -
                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla augue. Nam odio erat, euismod vitae, dictum sed, vehicula vitae, pede. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas vel ante at ipsum cursus egestas. Vestibulum adipiscing. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam quam tellus, tincidunt non, condimentum sit amet, aliquet viverra, nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque varius euismod justo. Integer vel quam non lacus elementum vestibulum. Vestibulum luctus feugiat massa. Nullam lorem ante, porta ut, tempor vel, aliquam eget, augue. Aenean id purus non sem blandit venenatis. In sed elit. Vivamus blandit enim in massa. Praesent at nisi id leo tincidunt feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In vitae elit. Vivamus varius, purus a dignissim auctor, orci lectus cursus mi, nec condimentum orci urna a urna. Morbi lorem magna, consequat ac, aliquam quis, facilisis vestibulum, lorem. Etiam lacinia nulla non turpis. Donec pulvinar tortor. Nam ligula. Curabitur lacinia scelerisque lectus. Integer vel risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam consectetuer. Duis molestie semper augue. Aenean cursus elit at magna. Proin metus pede, aliquam nec, interdum et, auctor quis, erat. Vivamus elit diam, mattis eget, bibendum non, gravida vel, neque. Ut pretium risus ut nulla. Etiam scelerisque imperdiet elit. Pellentesque consequat lectus nec diam. Proin congue, leo nec elementum sagittis, tortor quam imperdiet dolor, sit amet luctus metus neque a quam. Vivamus pellentesque. Nullam fermentum est sit amet sem. Ut sed nisl sit amet orci tincidunt semper. Nulla sed eros. Morbi sed felis. Nunc placerat magna non libero. Nam massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce a diam. Sed mattis tincidunt felis. Quisque feugiat, lorem sed pretium tincidunt, arcu mi aliquet purus, sed cursus quam nibh in felis. Donec a libero ac quam molestie viverra. Fusce ipsum. Aenean sagittis fermentum eros. Nullam felis. Nulla cursus turpis sit amet ligula. Sed venenatis ligula vitae nisi. Sed vehicula, quam ac fringilla mattis, orci ligula luctus quam, vitae tincidunt lacus est quis metus. Donec ante magna, varius sed, congue non, tristique vel, lacus. Quisque volutpat metus vel libero. Nam mollis tristique leo. Ut tincidunt feugiat turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi nibh. Sed commodo. Donec hendrerit. Vestibulum tristique mi non urna. Vestibulum eget felis vitae tortor pulvinar placerat. Praesent volutpat tellus et diam. Etiam dui leo, elementum ut, sodales vel, luctus vitae, lacus. Nulla facilisi. Integer malesuada commodo lacus. Nam feugiat. Vivamus ultrices, ligula sed egestas pretium, quam purus ornare erat, tempor pellentesque est ipsum et lorem. Integer mauris ligula, rutrum a, egestas nec, commodo facilisis, lacus. Suspendisse ac risus. Vivamus a sapien. Mauris rhoncus porttitor mi. Maecenas nibh arcu, varius quis, congue id, imperdiet sed, ante. Ut fringilla lacus sit amet leo. Curabitur hendrerit varius nisi. In at turpis. Proin at eros. Integer mattis, neque vel fringilla porttitor, diam dolor volutpat nisl, dapibus dapibus tellus massa at urna. Mauris justo sem, congue id, lobortis sit amet, imperdiet a, sem. Nam sollicitudin velit. Aenean nisl urna, ultricies in, facilisis id, ultricies in, justo. Mauris imperdiet lectus nec risus. Vestibulum nec sapien eget nulla gravida tristique. Donec blandit. Sed gravida. Aliquam ut lacus vitae magna semper interdum. Sed sodales dolor vitae lorem. Donec nec mi. Donec lorem libero, consequat eget, mattis quis, eleifend ac, enim. Nullam faucibus quam. Mauris ac elit. Nam varius, est at accumsan euismod, arcu augue aliquet massa, nec ullamcorper pede risus ut justo. Curabitur dignissim. Proin nulla urna, viverra non, aliquam sed, rhoncus id, leo. Quisque eget tortor eu lectus laoreet hendrerit. In tortor nibh, vehicula in, aliquet sit amet, consectetuer ac, sem. Vestibulum dictum scelerisque libero. Sed vitae dui. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam scelerisque lacinia est. Pellentesque imperdiet nunc ut augue elementum placerat. Integer quis est. Morbi lorem neque, pretium id, iaculis sit amet, vehicula ac, turpis. Curabitur dignissim, justo elementum suscipit vehicula, tellus metus mattis nibh, eget luctus lectus mauris sed dui. Cras convallis, dolor a tristique facilisis, ligula mauris condimentum ligula, eget iaculis erat magna eu est. Mauris sagittis turpis vitae risus. Curabitur mollis interdum turpis. Pellentesque lorem elit, consectetuer ac, aliquam nec, eleifend quis, lectus. Aenean sit amet urna nec tellus consectetuer semper. In blandit sem quis lorem. Etiam molestie bibendum mi. Cras eu ligula eget nisi tincidunt fringilla. Vestibulum tristique consequat urna. Nunc facilisis. Cras porta suscipit sem. Nulla ac dolor. Duis leo metus, luctus vel, euismod ut, faucibus eget, sem. Ut non quam sit amet lacus dictum placerat. Nullam iaculis convallis odio. Fusce in diam. Cras posuere lacus sit amet neque. Suspendisse pulvinar. Sed quis nibh. Donec porttitor gravida odio. Sed posuere semper felis. Morbi fermentum consectetuer odio. Proin fermentum ligula in elit. Quisque mauris elit, auctor quis, tincidunt vel, congue nec, augue. Vestibulum vitae mauris. In et orci. Ut sit amet turpis nec purus placerat faucibus. Quisque suscipit risus nec justo. Etiam molestie elit. Mauris nisi justo, pellentesque a, condimentum ut, commodo eu, est. Vestibulum eu elit ornare ante adipiscing malesuada. Proin pulvinar eros ac enim. Donec massa. Aenean pharetra gravida orci. Nunc non mauris nec mauris accumsan venenatis. Mauris bibendum venenatis erat. In mattis sodales neque. Phasellus arcu. Ut leo dolor, feugiat accumsan, interdum sed, fringilla ut, dui. Curabitur ornare, arcu sit amet tempus cursus, lectus nibh ultricies lectus, in suscipit justo tortor sit amet ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin ullamcorper tincidunt velit. Pellentesque gravida hendrerit enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur pharetra urna at est. Quisque malesuada, dolor et vehicula pellentesque, erat lacus euismod lacus, nec mollis nulla sem nec sapien. Integer id erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin eget metus a massa volutpat aliquam. Pellentesque vehicula purus facilisis risus. Nunc pellentesque. Quisque lobortis quam vitae ante. Proin dictum tellus ac urna. Quisque magna velit, faucibus ut, hendrerit ac, dignissim nec, enim. Aenean tortor velit, suscipit eget, lacinia sed, congue ut, pede. Morbi ipsum lacus, ullamcorper a, volutpat a, laoreet lacinia, sem. Nullam ullamcorper urna id tortor. Aliquam lectus nunc, dignissim vel, lacinia id, mattis nec, risus. Suspendisse mollis viverra odio. Nullam lobortis vehicula nisl. Aenean non ante. Sed consectetuer. Vivamus nec nunc. Nam vestibulum accumsan elit. Pellentesque ut elit. Nam varius. Nulla nec sem a est commodo rutrum. Donec dui mauris, accumsan sit amet, imperdiet in, eleifend in, leo. Quisque at tortor. Pellentesque nec diam. Duis aliquet, purus at tincidunt posuere, turpis metus consequat sapien, pharetra porta pede elit at nisl. Mauris vel diam id lacus viverra cursus. Vivamus porta. Fusce non massa vel massa placerat convallis. Vestibulum ut metus eget enim pretium egestas. Pellentesque ut risus. Nam ultrices felis. In lobortis mattis arcu. Morbi ut tellus at nunc elementum pretium. Curabitur id odio id nisi porta ullamcorper. Nam vestibulum, libero vitae consectetuer consequat, neque elit interdum leo, ut mollis velit est ac velit. More to follow.

                    One day at a time

                      Should I torture DS and make him translate the Latin back to English? He is a runner, after all, and would get so much out of this.

                      Good Bad & The Monkey

                        Should I torture DS and make him translate the Latin back to English? He is a runner, after all, and would get so much out of this.
                        It is not Latin. It is Lorem ipsum. Much like what the OP posted.

                        One day at a time

                          It is not Latin. It is Lorem ipsum. Much like what the OP posted.
                          Oh, shows you how much I know! Wish I'd had Latin in school...

                            I always have found Richard's posts interesting and thought provoking-by the time they run to ten pages or so there is a lot of info in the point/counterpoint of the discussion from which I am sure to learn something. (For example I got a link to an interesting Hadd website once.) I don't necessarily think his theories are correct; at best perhaps controversial, but I don't think being able to run faster than he can is a compelling counter argument. Simon.
                            Hi, Simon. Nice to see you here.
                            Rich World's Fastest Slow Runner

                              "Worlds Fastest Slow Runner" (... what the heck does that MEAN?)...
                              Take all the runners in the world and divide them into 2 groups - the fast group and the slow group. I'm the fastest guy in the slow group. I can't quite catch the slowest guy in the fast group but I can outrun everyone in the slow group (or I could in my younger days. Not so much in my old age.)
                              Rich World's Fastest Slow Runner

                                This is awesomeness distilled. I'm beyond amused at this point. I think I've found a court jester.