Running again after 8 years (Read 92 times)


    Hey everyone.


    Im a 26 year old male and I have begun seriously running again.


    I was a very good cross country runner in high school but decided to stop running seriously early in college. As you could well imagine I had some problems early on, and felt depressed/out of it in a way I do not believe I would have if I had kept a strict (or reasonable) running schedule.


    Ever since then I have exercised regularly, but no real serious running. I have been running the past week now and man do I feel great!


    Any training advice for a guy who wants to get back into it?


    I have read about the mental and physical benefits of running. Man is it gold! You look great, feel great and think great.


    Let me know,


      35 years ago I started running again after almost a 10 year break after high school.  This was in the  late seventies. I started running again to get in shape to play soccer for an over 30 team.  But, I had hooked up with some hardcore runners and began running seriously. Within less than a year, I was training for my first marathon.  Big mistake.  Take it easy at first.  Build up your mileage slowly.  First running shorter.  Run 5 days a week. Try running 20 miles a week at a comfortable pace.  Then build up the distance about 10% per week.  I really suggest you get a copy of Bob Glover's Competitive Runners Handbook.  Build up you mileage and take your time before you get into racing and possible a marathon.


      Killer B

        Put some thought into your goals.  Do you want health and fitness?  Or do you want to go out and win some races?  Do you want to win some races RIGHT NOW, or race well over the next several decades?  Do you want health, fitness, and to run an occasional race for the rest of your life?  Or do you want to beat yourself into the ground for a year or two, then burn out?  Or something in between?


        Answer those questions first, then the training will take care of itself.



          Put some thought into your goals.  Do you want health and fitness?  Or do you want to go out and win some races?  Do you want to win some races RIGHT NOW, or race well over the next several decades?  Do you want health, fitness, and to run an occasional race for the rest of your life?  Or do you want to beat yourself into the ground for a year or two, then burn out?  Or something in between?


          Answer those questions first, then the training will take care of itself.


          This is true. My thought is also to let go of what you did in high school. That was then. This is now. Your body will inevitably have changed. Don't compare to what you did now. Find your starting point from where you are now and think on why you want this now.


          And welcome back! The great thing about our sport is that it's always there waiting for you, whether it's been a few days or a few years since you last laced them up.

          Half Fanatic #9292. 

          Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.