Terrain (Read 622 times)


Good Bad & The Monkey

    Google Maps now has a terrrain layer as an alternative to map and satellite/hybrid. Can you add this?
    eric :)

      I'll look into it, but it'll probably be done with the maps upgrade. The plan is have Brian do this when he's done with his current pet project Big grin
        I saw the google terrain feature but didn't think it was too hot, oh well, guess I'll add it when I start fixing some of the other gmaps bugs and adding dragable routes. Trent, if you'd like, you can look around to see if there are any other WMS compatible maps or overlays you want. The MS Live one is a hack but everything else in the list is standard WMS so adding more is pretty simple. I was thinking about including OpenStreetMap.org next.

        Good Bad & The Monkey

          Cool, I'll look. The terrain is appealing to those of us who like hills. A certain marathon, for example: click What about yahoo maps?