Shin Splits for Four Years (Read 140 times)


    Hi there. Smile

    This is yet another thread about shin splints. I have briefly browsed these forums for similar threads, but due to the unusual lenght of my injury, I thought I would make a new thread.


    So, back in may 2009 I was on a badminton training camp where we had to run a couple of miles in the morning. Nothing too out of the ordinary - I was fairly used to running at the time and hadn't had any problems.

    After a little while, I had to stop running and walk back because of the shin splints. I completed the rest of the camp without issues, except that I skipped the rest of the scheduled runs.


    During the next couple of years, I continued to play competitive badminton without ever having problems on the court. Because of this, and the fact that I wasn't really that much into running back then, I did nothing to look further into the injury. The only thing about the injury that bothered me in those years, was on the occasions where I played football with my friends. Even on grass, I couldn't keep running as much as I'd like.


    Maybe a year ago I became interested in triathlon, and as such, I needed to do something about the injury. I went to a physiotherapist, who wasn't very helpful. Anyway, he suggested that even though I could play badminton without the slighest pain in my shins, it was possible, that badminton might be the reason why the shin splints had not disappeared. He then sent me to someone else, who gave me some excercises which had little to no effect.


    I then tried an acupuncture with no effect. Around that time I quit badminton (for different reasons, than to treat the shin splints). Because of that, I have done absolutely nothing that involves running or other forms of exercise, that could cause irritation to the shins, for almost a year. (I obviously swim and cycle instead). A few weeks ago I tried an orthopedic, and again with no luck.

    So I'm hoping someone can suggest treatments/exercises/etc. Any thoughts at all are welcome too.


    Other relevant info:
    - Stretched my entire body before / after workouts following my physiotherapist's and orthopedic's advise.
    - I've tried running slower than I normally would. It delays the pain somewhat.
    - Shoes: I'm actually using the same shoes as I did in '09. Reasoning: They are not worn out, they still fit (as in size) and I used them before the injury without issues. - Suggestions regarding shoes are very welcome.
    - I've tried running on grass. It delays the pain for a few minutes.
    - I've warmed up by walking 5-ish minutes before the run.


    Thanks. Smile

      #1: Shoes - Even if you don't wear them the cushioning wears down.  Get new shoes and make sure to get professionally fitted so you get in the right type and size.  Just because they "fit" doesn't mean you are in the right size.  You should be 1/2 size to a full size bigger than your normal everyday shoe.


      #2: Tight calves/roll - Tight calves is a big reason for shin splints.  Invest in trigger point, the grid, or even a rolling pin and roll the hell out of your calf muscles 2-3 times a day.  I roll my calves before each run as this loosens up the muscle and gets the blood flowing.


        Hi Maddog.


        Thanks for the input. I can see I have been too slow in realising the need for a new pair of (fitted) shoes.

        As for the tight calves - thanks for the tip. I will definitely try that.


        Thanks for the reply. Smile

          So, back in may 2009 I was on a badminton training camp Other relevant info:

          - Shoes: I'm actually using the same shoes as I did in '09.   Reasoning: They are not worn out, they still fit (as in size) and I used them before the injury without issues. - Suggestions regarding shoes are very welcome.


          Is badminton camp anything like band camp?  Sorry, had to throw that (crappy) joke in. :-)


          The main thing that flashes out at me in bright neon letters is you are wearing the same shoes as you were in 2009!  To me, that seems to be the most likely cause.

          ---  I had shin splints as well for a long time, I was wearing some 125.00 Asics Gel shoes.  Apparenytly they weren't right for me.

          ---  I was on an unscheduled stay in Germany back in 2010 and I bought some 75.00 Asics with no gel because I had no other shoes with me, and by accident, I found the right pair.  That pair worked for me, I kepe buying the same type every 4 months or so, and I have never had any problems since.


          You need to get to a running store if you can, hopefully a place where you can actually run in the store or on a treadmill they have in the store so they can tell what kind of stride you have, and what type of shoe would be best suited for the way you run.  --- That shoe from 2009 might be absolutely the wrong type of shoe for your running style and may be the source of most of your problem.  And I'll add, even if that was the right type of shoe, the fact that it is 4 years old cannot be helping!  Shoes usually get stiff and turn into bricks after 4 years.  Fine to wear when cuttting the grass, but no longer good for running.

          I think it would absolutely worth it for you to try a pair or two of new shoes at 75ish bucks a pair, might prove to be money very well spent. .

          The Plan '15 →   ///    "Run Hard, Live Easy."   ∞

          Matthew Collins

            Some general advice from someone who suffered from chronic shin splints for 10+ years, but have managed to keep them at bay for the last three years.... you need to train easy, if you feel like you are running slow enough you probably should slow down more to the point where you KNOW you are going slow enough. For me that meant slowing from a 7:00 min training pace to 10:00+. That was hard to accept, but as long as you are getting consistent mileage, regardless of pace, you won't lose fitness as your body recovers.