Mapmyrun csv data importing error (Read 19 times)


    A fresh csv file exported from mapmyrun but told:


    "This file cannot be imported. Possible reasons are:

    • Your data file is not in the correct format.
    • The file is in a new format.
    • There is a bug in the importer code.

    If you are certain that the file has no errors, please contact me for assistance."


    Sample of the file:


    Date Submitted,Workout Date,Activity Type,Calories Burned (kCal),Distance (mi),Workout Time (seconds),Avg Pace (min/mi),Max Pace (min/mi),Avg Speed (mi/h),Max Speed (mi/h),Avg Heart Rate,Steps,Notes,Source,Link
    "Jan. 27, 2015","Jan. 27, 2015",Run / Jog,287,2.72297,1168,7.15151,4.72883,8.38984,12.6881,0,6299,,,http://www.mapmyrun.com/workout/857551601


    Could guys please figure out what's going wrong?






      Try using this interface I made and let me know if it works for you. Looking for people to test it out and give me feedback on it.

