Anyone had an Ankle Tenex procedure done? How did it go? (Read 73 times)


    I'm in the middle of week 2 of doing this. I am finding that it is very difficult to get "eccentric bent leg heel raise" form correct. It is very unnatural for me to bend my knee and bring my heel down. I naturally straighten my knee on the descent and I think that is preventing me from getting the full benefit of the Alfredson protocol.


    Has anyone experienced this difficulty before? I am trying to force myself to better form and hoping that it becomes more natural with time. It's unnatural with my good foot too by the way, not just the injured one.

    SMART Approach

      Maybe better to think about relaxing or not straightening the knee when doing exercise. You just need to unlock it vs thinking you have to bend it.

      Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

      Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

      Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique



        Both my achilles started to hurt last August while I was training for my 6th marathon. Pain was so bad that I had to stop  running and the doctor put me in a walking boot for 8 weeks.

        After 8 months of no activity it has not yet healed 100%, but I can not watch my waistline increase any more and I have started to run again.


          I'm on Week 8. I have progressed to unspecified very-heavy-water-jug that I can hold in my right hand. I started with the jug half filled at approx week 4 and now I am at the jug fully filled.


          The pain has come down every few weeks after increasing weight. I don't quite know how far to go with this. I might get a weight vest or soemthing because it is becoming harder to hold any more weight in my right hand.


          I can't tell if this is precise, but I feel like the 2 visible bumps on my achilles from before the alfredson protocol have become larger bumps, but more spaced apart. I took a picture to hopefully compare to a few weeks from now to see if it's real.
