1 day to go (to Boston) (Read 3437 times)


    Don't worry about it. Over on another forum (rw...cough, cough), a bunch of people were posting that their 2 @ MP run didn't feel as good as they expected, but that the same thing happened to them last year and they were fine in whatever marathon they were running.


    Run strong...I will try to keep up!


    Just caught this before I head out for the Expo.


    The important thing is "WHAT THAT PARTICULAR WORKOUT WOULD DO FOR YOU IN A COUPLE OF DAYS TIME".  When I brought Reiko Tosa to Boston in 2006, she did 5k tempo along Charles River on Thursday.  When she came back, I asked her how it went.  She looked down with a sheepish smile...(as a joke)  Then said, "Usually, if this 5k goes too well, my marathon won't go well..."  Usually if you're a speed demon right before the marathon, you'll go over your head and feel super light in the first 10 miles...and that would be your finish line.  You want to feel a little sluggish at the start of the marathon.  That sluggish 2-mile will have its effect about 16 miles into the marathon. 


    Good luck to you all.  I'll be watching at the finish!! (or in the media room if it's raining!! ;o)).

      That was a nice day for a jog.


      Photo courtesy of Jim Rhoades of Coolrunning. You may find one of yourself at http://jimrhoades.com/10/boston/, although the number of pics may make your eyes bleed.

      Greater Lowell Road Runners
      Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

      May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


        That was a nice day for a jog.


        Photo courtesy of Jim Rhoades of Coolrunning. You may find one of yourself at http://jimrhoades.com/10/boston/, although the number of pics may make your eyes bleed.


        You weren't exactly jogging there, Dawg.  Nice run!

        Runners run