1500 Miles So Go Run


Hello (Read 395 times)



    Against all reason, sanity, etc., etc., I've joined this group! Just wanted to say hello! So, Hello!
    You are 30 mi AHEAD of the bunny. You BELONG in this group. I, on the other hand, am 30 mi BEHIND the bunny and suspect that I do NOT belong here...


    In the beginning, the universe was created.This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

    --- Douglas Adams, in "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe"

      You are 30 mi AHEAD of the bunny. You BELONG in this group. I, on the other hand, am 30 mi BEHIND the bunny and suspect that I do NOT belong here...
      C'mon Sluggo, we've finally begun to thaw out around here. You can catch the bunny and give it a good swift kick as you pass it.

      Greater Lowell Road Runners
      Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

      May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


        You are 30 mi AHEAD of the bunny. You BELONG in this group. I, on the other hand, am 30 mi BEHIND the bunny and suspect that I do NOT belong here...
        Don't worry I'm 4.1 miles behind it as I have a poorly hip, I should catch it shortly, when I do I will hold onto it until you catch up.

        Old age is when you move from illegal to prescribed drugs.
