Masters Running


Mondaily, 5.21.18 (Read 40 times)

    I get nitrous at the dentist which makes it almost worth having dental work!  You still are awake, but you don’t care about the needle.  It’s like having a nice buzz, but as soon as they turn off the nitrous at the end of the procedure and give you some oxygen, you feel fine!  Nitrous is the best!   I am really afraid of needles (I can’t believe I am doing the dry needling, but that’s a little different) and am a big baby even about the flu shots at work.

    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


    Mike E

    MM #5615

      Hello everybody!


      I love the different smells of the different seasons...except when they fertilize the farmlands I run by.  I love the smell after a rain.  Not just in running--there are many times I'll get a whiff of something that brings back a fond memory for me.  Even smells that remind me of not so good times makes me feel good because I think about how I got through them.  Ryan loved a certain track meet because there were lilac bushes in full bloom on a street that he did his warmup on.  I always thought that was cool.


      I'm feeling kind of bad about myself, tonight.  There was a fairly big mistake made at work and, for about 10 minutes, I was sure the fault was mine.  I had that panicky feeling and was trying to figure out how I was going to get myself out of it.  But, after looking into it a little further, we discovered it was another guys fault and, rather than feeling bad for him and for the financial burden on the company, all I felt was relief that it wasn't my fault.  This new company I'm with has never done anything to make me feel that I have to fear making mistakes and I really appreciate that so, when I feel the way I did, it just makes me feel like a heel.


      Anyway--I did 9 miles that included 4 x 1.5 miles at strength pace.


      Okay--gotta go.  See ya!


        So Mike E, what is it exactly that you do? I've tried to figure it out but can't quite get it. Anyway, don't beat yourself up over it. $hit happens, this time it was someone else. Next time, it might really be you and I bet all your co-workers will breathe a sigh of relief.


        Holly, you're right that your son went into a good field for a good career. Usually people go into that area because they sincerely believe in the work, and there are lots of reasons that that sort of work is needed everywhere in the country. Good for him.


        I heard the olfactory senses are closely tied to memories, more so than pretty much any other sense. That's why a whiff of home-baked cookies can take you back to fond childhood memories (assuming you had fond memories of home-baked cookies, I guess), etc. I do know that sometimes in the fall, if someone is burning leaves, it takes me back to the year we spent in England when I was in 4th grade. My mom says she doesn't understand that since everyone burned coal in their home furnaces and the place frequently stunk up pretty bad, but I think it's because of where I took riding lessons... we went through very rural areas on the ponies where people were frequently burning leaves and old grass. Brings back fond memories of my riding school pals from years ago....


        Dentists... bleh. I have a very good, kind, gentle dentist I've gone to since I worked at Nordstrom in the late 80's. His son is working alongside him now and will take over completely when he retires. When that happens, I'll find a new dentist. Love the dad, dislike the son. So, for now, I'm trying to make sure I get all my tooth issues fixed while dentist-dad is still working. I find trust makes a huge difference in how you tolerate various procedures.


        Mostly rest day today, but I walked 1.25 miles at lunchtime today. Legs were pretty tired after the weekend of running and stuff. Only working 3 days this week, so REALLY looking forward to a 5-day weekend coming up!


          I was thinking about running smells today because of a strong whiff of lilacs this morning. Reminded me of when I was up in Mackinac Island a week after the Lilac Festival. The Island is covered with lilacs (it seems).  A few hundred yards later I was hit with a strong skunk smell.  I kept a careful eye out but never saw who was responsible for the odor.


          The 10K during the lilac festival is sweet. All the lady slippers in bloom are a delight.


          Holly - Proud parents rock.


          MikeE - It may be carry over from the last place you were at. Wanting to duck and cover is very different than actually avoiding the screw up. I tell new hires that the only people who don't make mistakes don't do anything. Fix the error, figure out who did it, then see if it's a pattern. Don't beat yourself up. That's what we're here for.

