Masters Running


Friday's Daily, 9.22.17 (Read 31 times)

MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

      All five of my running segments were at the exact same pace; all five of my walk segments were at the exact same pace. What are the odds?.

    that's funny. All my running is the same as walking too.


    I'm with Holly about FB, . . . but not about 60 laps in a chlorinated pool.

    did you ever get a good swim cap?


    jay - sure hope you make it over to the lighthouse without getting seasick but, unless you used to be at sea al lot, or were an gymnast,  high-diver, acrobatic skier or something used to the motion, I doubt it.  Maybe you can stay over there until the seas calm down.  <<<(next summer)>>>


    JTV - what a great chance to have the Ortho-doc in your running group.

    Do you ever do the timed out-and-backs like my IM mentor used to take us all out

    for from a half-hour to an hour to turn around at the same time

    and finish together for blueberry pancakes at a nearby restaurant?


    Avenger - I'm with Erika's comment on missing you and your human buddy. Maybe you can post even if he doesn't have time.


    After four days of supposed rain ending the three-and-a-half month drought since early June here in the PNW  with but a token downpour for about 15 minutes I missed on Tuesday, I'm still wondering if the dry spell spoiled me away from a lifetime of running in the rain without whining about it, e.g. all 104.8 miles in four marathons in steady-to-heavy rains last fall (see avatar), that I considered a protest full taper ontil the PNW gets back to normal.  However, after yesterday's protest demo ideas, maybe I'll just dedicate all my morning fivers to protesting not being able to run in any real rain since May.


    ps Dave - the featured background photo on is of WV but looks like CO except flat.  Have you ever seen anything like it back there?

    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
