Masters Running


Weds 7/30...thinking about Mr Ribs, and runs and such (Read 458 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    Morning everyone Smile 4 very easy / recovery miles in H&H last night, but short enough that it was no big deal. Steve as you are a heavy sweater also, I wanted to ask. On your long runs how much do you drink before your run and during? The past 5 or 6 weeks I have had a horrible time on my long run on Sat no matter how much I drink. The last couple of miles my HR will spike and it just won't come back down...and that's with no speed work sometimes. I know it will be cooler soon and it won't be such an issue. One thing with me is, on the weekdays I run in the evenings and have no problem with how hot and humid it is, but on my weekend morning runs I have a more difficult time. It seems during the week I can hydrate all day and be well fed, but just getting up on a weekend morning and eating a cliff bar or banana, and drinking 20 or 40 onces of water and just taking off, just isn't enough. Oh well, just trying to figure this out. One thing that has stood out to me was Bill talking about HR spike in H&H's like once that happens when it hot out, it's lights out for the rest of the run. Hence why I have had to walk home a mile or 2 once this spike happens and my HR won't come down. But I wonder if it's dehydration....or just the heat making the heart work harder, or both? OK Holly I have to ask....are you wearing a helmet? A helmet has potentially saved my life 2 times now with serious accidents...and neither accident was my fault. Sorry, I preach this to everyone that rides a bike - knowing what I know about crashing Wink Happy you are getting some exercise in, and hope you can run soon Smile LOL Embarrassed Thanks Holly for pointing out what day it is....(maybe that will be our little secret) It's really bad that life goes by sooo fast, that the days kinda blend together anymore. Anxiously waiting to hear if Bruce got his new Garmin Smile Nice workout yesterday too with your 1000 meter repeats. Have a great Hump day all. TimBo

    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

    Marathon Maniac #957

      Good Morning! But Tim, I think this is Wednesday.... Smile 1 hour bike ride this morning (11.69 miles). I thought I was going a brisk effort, but my HR was only 106. At one point I parked the bike and jogged a half-mile gently back and forth between telephone poles. This was actually easier than the treadmill, because I could allow my body to find its own comfortable pace (11:29). I stopped before I felt pain and got back on the bike. (Mi nombre no es Juana Agosto.) Today I was just filled with gratitude that I could exercise at all, out there in the early morning, pumping my legs and feeling the wind cooling the sweat on my face. Today I feel patient about this whole thing again. I'm also grateful for all you wonderful folks, helping me through these ups and downs, and not just the running stuff. Smile As I was cruising home, listening to Don Henley on my MP3 player (…been trying to get down……to the heart of the matter….), I saw a man standing out on his porch and I smiled and nodded hello as I went by….then I realized a moment later that I had been singing out loud, probably not too softly (…EVEN IF, EVEN IF, YOU DON’T LOVE ME ANYMORE…)…. Big grin

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      Trails are hard!

        Apropos of very little, for some reason I thought of SteveP when I saw this cartoon this morning. and Holly, as glad as I am to hear that you're feeling so much better about exercising, I notice you didn't answer Tim's question. <tapping> Evil grin I 'd really much rather ride without a helmet, but I do, even if it does spoil my coiffure Wink</tapping>

        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


          I thought only I did that Holly. And to Don Henley too. 8.3 miles with 5 tempo miles in the middle - well, tempo eventually. Why I can't start out at tempo I don't know, but I get there at the end. 8:41, 8:24, 8:10, 7:46, and 7:37. 75F and 89% average HR 148, highest 167. Tim, just drink often. Throughout the day, don't pass a drinking fountain without taking a sip. Sometimes if I wake up in the middle of the night I'll go drink a glass or so and go back to sleep. I always take a glass or two right before starting my runs and a glass or two after. If I'm running longer than 9 miles or so I take a couple of Fuel Belt bottles with me. Longer than 12 get all 4 bottles. To a certain extent, a higher HR the last few miles is normal. HR creep. Once the body starts to run out of fuel - glycogen and/or hydration - the HR naturally starts to climb. That's one of the big things to figure out by running all those 20's in marathon training - what works for you hydration and fuel-wise. You'll figure it out soon enough. Bill

          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

            Good Morning! I have not been able to run since last Friday, putting me a bit behind in my Marathon Training, but for good reason. We got our new baby B’Nellie last Thursday night and all was well. Friday night she started throwing up and her health quickly deteriorated. After a 45-minute drive to an emergency vet clinic we found out she had the deadly Parvovirus and her prognosis was not good. It has been a very emotional few days for me, sleepless nights and running just wasn’t that important. I am happy to report that after some very good veterinarian care, and a boss that let me bring her to work yesterday so that I could feed her with a syringe every two hours, she is bouncing back and this morning was playing and nibbling at some kibble. I had every intention of running this morning, but with her laying on my chest sleeping peacefully and with thunderstorm warnings flashing on the TV, I decided to just relish the moment. (it never did storm here!) Wink I guess I’m a little behind in training now, but some things are just more important. I’ll get back out there tomorrow! Cheers! Just not feeling well at all. Getting some much needed rest on my lap.


            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




              Tim-I’m no expert but I am a sweater (not the comfy old kind…well, now that I think about it, maybe…but I digress). For me the key to long runs this time of year is to keep drinking; for me that’s a 6 oz (Fuel Belt bottle) every two miles or so (~18 minutes). I stash an extra bottle of water in a friend’s mailbox for a Fuel Belt refill. That’s in addition to all the pre-run hydration, of course. Holly--nice to hear you enjoying exercise, regardless of the kind. Mary—cute pup. Hottest day of the week today so I was glad to do only 3.5 miles. 8:34 pace—don’t know why I was sproinky; I think I just wanted to get it over with. AHR 131/66%

              Be safe. Be kind.

              King of PhotoShop

                Just to set the record straight, I go in tomorrow, not today. I am all set too. Had the hospital meeting, the surgeon meeting and have read all the literature. I even got myself a new haircut, a buzz, so I wouldn't have to worry about combing my hair in the morning. Truth is, when I get it all cut off like that I look very intimidating, like Marcellus Wallace. My plan is that if the nurses come in and start bossing me around, I can say, "What does Marcellus Wallace look like?" and "Does Marcellus Wallace look like a b*tch to you?" Headed out for a walk now, and then some office cleanup this afternoon. Mary, that's a cute dog. Holly, don't duck the issue. Wear a helmet. Spareribs
                  afternoon, all, the heat wave broke with dry thunder and lightening - down to a comfy 74F. ran for time, 1:15, and managed 5.54 miles - almost .2 improvement from the last time. it's getting better, and DH pointed out that i've finally been putting in the miles consistently. as a matter of fact, with just 3 miles tomorrow i will have my first 100 mile month since october! followed the run with a lovely fjord dip; the water is also well in the 70s now. a short bake on the rocks, and now it's back to work. ribs, good luck to you tomorrow. holly, be careful. mary, cute pup - hope things work out. i sure miss my pelle (did some border collie surfing yesterday to ease the lonesome). good runs to all, susan

                    Here's wishing Spareribs and Mary's new puppy all the best. Lamerunner: What's your goal for Portland? Your long run was pretty impressive, to say the least. Tramps: Your 5-mile tempo run at 7:42 is just huge! I'm assuming your weather is about the same as ours..and it is truly rotten out there. Bruce: Tough workout, kicked butt on the final two repeats. TomS: Good job on running the big've given me a lot of inspiration...which I so deperately need. Larry: I assume your son's in the service? Which branch & where stationed? Holly: "Today I was just filled with gratitude that I could exercise at all, out there in the early morning, pumping my legs and feeling the wind cooling the sweat on my face. Today I feel patient about this whole thing again." What a fabulous attitude...we should all have your heart. Ran 4.1 miles this morning...9:23 pace, a little faster than yesterday..this makes 4 days in a row, a little too much for day tomorrow. Shameless boasting: We won last night's softball game in the city league...since our opponents are usually 25-35 year olds and we're all over 65, we don't win too many games in that league. But we won, I hit 4-for-4 and drove in the winning run as we scored 3 runs in the last inning to win. Tomorrow is definately veg day. DickyG
                      4 easy miles for me last night, then out again later for a brisk walk with my DH. I feel pretty good today, so all is well... the walk must've helped. I can't understand that why when I run it's my whiney knees that throw little hissy fits and want to stop just like a little kid in a grocery store, but they are never sore any other time...not even a peep the next day. However, during my run, my ankles are as quiet as a mouse, no pain at all, but the next day, that's what's stiff and often sore. If I listened to my drama queen knees, then I'd always run about 2/3's the distance that I do. I guess I'll get this figured out eventually. hopeful4ever - That puppy is the cutest thing! I sure hope she recovers in a speedy fashion. We adopted a kitten from an animal shelter many years ago and it ended up very sick shortly thereafter. He pulled through, though and gave us 16 years of great companionship.

                        Ribs--I like the new hairstyle but didn't you hear John McCain the other day? Sunscreen, man, sunscreen! (Best to you tomorrow.) Dicky-thanks, and great win over the young'uns!

                        Be safe. Be kind.

                          Good morning, all! Twocat - so I have to play detective, huh? Not fair!! Turkeys have discriminating taste - I'd rather eat sunflower seeds too! Mary - I'm so relieved to hear Nellie is fighting off the parvo! She's sure a cutie! The only really bad long run I've had this summer happened when I left one of my water bottles fell off my hydration belt. My DH saw the bottle but thought I had left it behind on purpose (what was he thinking???) Steve - sorry to hear about your dog bite episode. DickyG - congrats on the softball game win! 7.5 miles on the track this morning. 2 mile warmup followed by 5 mile tempo run (9:04; 9:10; 9:02; 9:04; and 9:10) and a half mile cooldown. 9:26 average pace and 165 average HR. I hate it when nature calls during the middle of a run - especially in this H&H. It's hard to maneuver the shorts when you're all slimy with sweat, and they just don't feel right after you resume the run ;-). Our thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow, SR. Good runs to all!

                          Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                            Morning! GL tomorrow Ribs! Tim, in this heat I sweat 4 lbs/hr and if I loose more than 5 lbs I start really feeling it (HR goes up, feel like quitting). The body can absorb about 30 oz/hr (I think mine can do 40 oz) so I'll bonk no matter what after 3+ hrs in high humidity/heat. Today I did not bonk at all. I ran 14 miles and it was 73 with a dewpoint of 70F (i.e. muggy). I drank 16 oz water right before the run and wore my 4 bottle (6oz) fuel belt and carried a 20 oz squeeze bottle. (I carried the squeeze bottle the first 3 and last 3 miles) I find that if I just take small portions regularly it feels better than chugging every 2 -3 miles. With drinking 60oz (3.8 lbs) I still weighed in 4.4 lbs lighter but that's all good Smile In the winter I can do this run with only 16 oz before the run. Gottta love NC summers! 14 Muggy Miles of Hills in 2:05:27 (8:58 pace, AHR 149)

                            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                              5:00 am 57 degrees 5 magical miles plus some gardening. I am trying to win the war with the weeds in my garden. Got my first sunflower in bloom today Cool

                              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                Stumpy/Kameele and Spareribs – I didn’t answer Tim because he added that after my post, but I will admit that I do not have a bicycle helmet. I was even thinking about that on today’s ride, especially because the first part was in darkness and it occurred to me that I might not be able to see a pothole in the light of the streetlamps. I haven’t purchased a helmet because up until lately I rarely rode the bike, and also because I have this deluge of hair, and I’m not sure how to fit my ponytail under a helmet, and envision it getting hot and itchy, etc. I know, I know, like I always tell my kids, “Safety first!” I will soon remedy the situation, and wear DS's until then. Mary – glad you were able to save your cute pup. DickyG – attitude fluctuates daily, but today is a good day. Congratulations, btw.

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
