Masters Running


the Runner (Read 115 times)


    Maybe you’ve seen him too. That dark figure outlined by the distance street lamp. Shuffling along in the light mist. Unaware of his trailing shadow catching up to him, passing, and then taking the lead, a cycle that’s repeated with each lamp lit intersection he passes thru. He is intently focused ahead, forearms held perpendicular to the black surface, fist lightly clinched as if holding a fragile baton, his elbows are held close, barely brushing his ribcage with each step, not even the rabbits scurrying from his path seem to break his concentration. What drives him day in and day out? What possesses a man, regardless of condition, to trudge thru dimly lit streets while the normal man lies in bed, warm, dry and content? There are days I’ve heard, days that when the weather is so unbearable that even the household pet refuses to step outdoors, this figure can still be seen……Then again, maybe you haven’t seen him…..Maybe you’re like me and too caught up in your own morning ritual, to wrapped up in your own thoughts about yesterday, or the last argument, your to deep in prayer, or your about to figure out how a paper clip is made, it could be your daughters dental appointment that’s got your attention, what ever it is, you didn’t seem notice that shadow that just passed you by.