Masters Running


Sat 8/29 - I get to start the Daily (Smiles) (Read 381 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    Good Morning everyone,----- Up early this morning getting ready to Cycle with my Roadie Buds to Celina Ohio. It's around 150 miles round trip, which will make for a good ride......these dudes ride really fast ( just the way I like it - Grins) and the weather is suppose to be perfect with the temperature only getting up to 70 later in the day. -------I am still training for a 10K swim race in 3 weeks, and 3 of us are going to swim 4 miles in our reservoir tomorrow morning for our training. I figure the 6.2 mile race will take me around 4 to 4.5 hours to complete...and complete it is all I want to do, believe me (I should look like a prune after that) -----Boy, do I miss running so very much!!!! My calf is pain free now, and I have tried to run the past 2 Sunday mornings. To only have my calf get super tight and sore, so I stopped after a mile or two knowing I would injure it again. I am going to wait one more week before I try again.....I need to be patient, then try another short run and hope all will be fine. My Indy Marathon is not looking to good right now as the Fall is fast approaching, but I have had fun with my Triathlons and Cycling this Summer, and also look forward to my Swim race and a 50K Run Ultra later this year. ------Hope everyone has a good day today, and I miss and care about all my Friends at RA very much! -------TimBo

    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

      Hi, Tim - people have been wondering what's going on with you.  Thanks for coming by and best of luck with your calf.

      I don't usually post before a run but I just read Jlynne's post from last night. We'll be thinking about baby Leo in October, poor thing to go through that so early in life, but after that he'll be on the mend.

      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

      Marathon Maniac #957

        Good Morning!


        Tim - it's great to see you starting the daily again!


        Jlynne - I'll echo WRFB in that we'll continue to keep baby Leo in our prayers. 


        Erika - I hope your flu symptoms disappate quickly....


        7 recovery-paced miles for me today (ave 10:32).  Don't know what I'm recovering from, exactly, but my legs felt dead and tired today.  Hopefully they will regain some sproink in time for tomorrow's LR.


        Off to DD's soccer game this morning.  I fear we're going to get clobbered again.  My little team doesn't quite have the hang of it yet...


        Happy Saturday!

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

          Wow - how greta to see Tim-bo start the thread today!! 



          My prayers are with baby Leo too Jlynne.


          Well, when I went to the doctor over a week ago for my post-surgery check up I had told her that I thought I had an infection.  She thought that everything was fine and looked good - but took a culture to humor me.   Yesterday they call and indeed I have an infection and now have some heavy duty antibiotics to take.    My question is, because my body has been fighting this infection on its own, would that contribute to my high HR levels?


          Indeed the 2nd day after a hard workout is the worst!!!   I can hardly get up and down steps, and just sitting down on the toilet is a great challenge.    I still pushed myself for 4.5 slow miles this morning.  As slow as I was going my HR should have been pretty low - but it was high, high, high.   argh!


          Off to take some stuff to my daughter's apartment at college.   Soon we will be empty nesters again - alleluia!




          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


            Morning all

            Continued good thoughts for baby Leo and his family.

            Hey Tim! Good to hear from you.

            Holly---looking at your weight workout yesterday makes MY legs hurt----maybe a residual feeling on your run? Good one anyway.

            Hang in there Mary---hope you are feeling tip top soon.

            Hi WRFB!

            10 hilly miles for me this morning in steady rain and a cool 55º---8:16 pace. I was going to wait for a break in the clouds, but was awake and wanted to get it all done before a day of napping and putting the house back in order. I am closing in on 100 days straight and feeling fine.


              Happy Sat All !


              Jylnne......I'll be praying for your grand baby. My niece was born with Turners Syndrome and had open heart surgery at 2 1/2 weeks. I'm happy to report that she wears the biggest smile in the family today.


              Tim....Howdy buddy....Enjoy the ride.....My butts good for about 30 miles right now. This hasn't been a good biking year for me.


              CNY......Nice 100 days running ! Here's to a great nap !


              I logged a very enjoyable 8.41 miles at what I'll call a liesurely 8:04 pace. Somewhere in the last two weeks my fitness level has taken a nice jump.


              Now I'm here at work.....I came in to get caught up......and I don't mean cauht up on past post

              i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                Tim... can't imagine swimming 10K. Wow!  Is that non-stop without touching?


                Slo- isn't it great when the fitness come together!


                <<<JLynn's GBaby>>>


                2 mile Dog Jog.  Long run tomorrow.

                Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova



                  Slo- isn't it great when the fitness come together!


                  Yes it is. It's been a really long time since I've felt this good.  And I owe alot of it to this guys really motivate me.

                     I am closing in on 100 days straight and feeling fine.





                    I'll crack 1000 for the year tomorrow, (it's about time)


                    5 miles untimed this AM, cool and rainy.


                    Jlynne- this spring, when my youngest was in the PICU, we met the most remarkably resilient little girl, in for her 3rd (!) and final heart surgery. She was a bright and happy 3 YO, on the mend and on her way to a full recovery. Her parents were exhausted, of course, but their child was pretty bouncy. My thoughts are with you.


                      Great to hear from Tim, sorry to hear that the calf is still giving you problems during your run.  Sending some speedy healing vibes your way.


                      GL Holly & DD


                      CNY ... nice run, I actually like running in the rain, it makes me feel like a kid again!


                      I hear ya SLO, and good for you! 


                      Hoping to hear good news from dg, I thought about you on my run today, I hope your long run went well.


                      Out for my last long run, 22 mi, 9:32 pace with 4/1 ratio of run/walk except the last mi I ran straight and ended with a 7:32.  I think my running times between walk breaks were somewhere around 8:20-30 .... yeah, lots of numbers


                      It was really weird on my run (a good weird), I wasn't much in the mood for running this morning but I got up and headed out the door anyhow know this was my last long run before the marathon and taper time.  Around the 18-19 mi point I ended up getting a second wind and felt great.  I held back the pace initially but on the last mile I figure I'd just pick it up a little in celebration of my last X months of training.  I sooo hope that happens during the marathon.


                      Off to spend the day with the family and the extended family on DH's side ... friends of his from childhood will be there too ... a mini reunion of sorts ...


                      Pleasant Sat & Sun all


                      Troy Strawberry Festival 10k - 6/7/09 - Goal 46:xx -->46:18!!; Americana 5k - 7/4/09 - Goal 21:xx-->21:12!!; Brookville 5 miler - 7/25/09 - Goal-->34:xx-->36:21; Crim 10 Miler - 8/22/09 - Goal sub-1:15-->1:14:14!!; Alter 5k - 9/5/09 - Goal 20:xx-->20:32; AF Marathon - 9/19/09 - Goal sub-3:38 (PR)--> 3:41 (BQ)

                        Thanks for all of the kind wishes for baby Leo, everyone. I know he'll come through this just fine, but it's hard...

                        Mary - hope you're feeling better. Maybe being an empty nester again will help.

                        Nice to see Tim posting again. You've been missed, friend!

                        Holly continues to amaze me with her workouts. You will be SO ready for that next marathon.

                        Slo - working on Saturday? Yuck!

                        Nice easy "dog jog" for Perch this morning.

                        I'm taking the day off. A funeral for my last surviving uncle this morning, then up to northern Wisconsin to watch my 42-year-old niece get married for the first time. What a total life event for me - bury and marry, all in one day.

                        Have a great weekend everyone.

                        Renee the dog

                          First off {{{ }}} to all who need it (expressed or not) for their children and grandchildren. 


                          5 miles of base pace fun.  Sort of.  I'm tired and was going to put my long run today.  Decided it was better to get up at 4:45 tomorrow morning and simply enjoy a good 5 miler today.  So that's what I did.


                          Have fun out there!

                          GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                          GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


                            hi all...


                            ((((baby Leo))))   


                            I have to hobble off, quick report.  16.17 miles, 10:24 pace, max 8:50.  omg.   


                            Trails are hard!

                              dg--I think omg is supposed to look like  O M G !!! WTG on new long distance

                              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                                Wow DG...just, WOW...hobble away...and then come back and tell us some more...


                                (((baby leo))) and all who need a hug today...


                                I put off doing this run today.  when I got up at 5 a.m. it was 73F and humid, and went back to bed...then i got up at 7 a.m. and it was 73F and humid...and stayed in bed and watched the news...then had breakfast telling myself I didn't have to run today if I didn't want to (but I really wanted to and wished the weather was different),  I argued with myself for an hour or so and finally...finally...I headed out the door around 10ish...uh..78F and HUMID


                                81% humidity made it feel like 85F out there, I wished with all my might that it would start raining, but no, it stayed overcast, drippy, and soupy...but...I managed 5 miles and didn't die  


                                and now I feel GREAT!


                                Get out and is good for the soul


                                Good day and good runs everyone

                                Trails Rock!
