Trailer Trash


Need Shoe Advice! (Read 67 times)


    Boston Boston Boston Boston. I ran it once as a trainer for a 100 mile race. It was fantastic and good fun. Good luck unfriending me from FB. LOL.


    Haha I would love to run Boston some day, don't get me wrong. I'm just sick of explaining to people who ask me why I'm not running it that I'm way too frickin' slow. 


      Oh. Yeah, that would be annoying. I forget how many non-runners assume all runners run Boston. No one asks me much anymore than again they know I run mostly trails now plus I am not on FB either.

      In dog beers, I've only had one.


        "Is it OK for runners to drink beer every once in awhile?"


        "Should I pause my watch if I need to stop and tie my shoe?"
