Barefoot Runners


Running downhill (Read 254 times)


    How do you do it barefoot?


    I did a two miler this morning that had two relatively steep down hill sections (not long, about 50-100 feet each) but I found myself almost walking down because when I tried to run my heels slammed the ground too hard.  Could use some help here if anyone has tips.



    Barefoot and happy

      Downhill is definitely the hardest to learn, especially for us recovered heel-strikers.


      Bend your knees, even more than you think you need to. Keep your center of gravity low.  And turn of the cadence as high as you can.

      Curious about running barefoot? Visit the new barefoot running group.
        I'm still learning too, but what I found helpful is to think of my forefoot pointing downward as it comes forward for a new step, rather than having the heel cocked. 

          I'm very new to this, but I think I do a combination of what Ed and lookforward said. I end up having a very short, fast stride and landing a bit more flat footed, but still not heel striking. It doesn't quite feel natural yet, but it doesn't hurt. Which is something, I guess.
            Most of the time I run pretty flat footed.  When going down hill I find myself getting way up on the balls of my feet.  That allows me to absorb a bit more impact. Also like others said you need to get your turnover rate up as high as you can.  Like others said it is much more difficult to run barefoot down hill than up.

              Increase cadence, bend knees, smaller steps, hips forward.