Barefoot Runners


Blizzard Run (Read 10 times)

Adam Gentile


    Congratulations on getting interviewed during your run! I'm sure viewers were wondering if you were barefoot after seeing the prints you left in the snow.


    On Sunday, we had some snow flurries down in SC and as I had never run in falling snow, I went for a short barefoot run.  We didn't have any accumulation, but I enjoyed running through the snowflakes.  I believe it's the first time I've ever felt snowflakes hitting my eyes.


    Adam Gentile

      Cool!   It is fun running in the snow, even though I prefer summer!   I have ran barefoot in snow many times, it all depends on the temperature and if the snow is nice and fluffy.

      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

        Good for you for running barefoot in the snow!


        I'm from Alaska where even the locals

        have footwear in the winter.


        Retirement in Seattle is much more conducive

        to running barefoot. In fact, temperatures up

        to 97oF were the impetus for my first barefoot

        marathon at the Goodwill Games here in 1990

        when I figured running barefoot might be better

        than all the blisters I'd probably be getting

        from sweaty socks in overheated shoes.


        A practice run of 13.1 miles went well enough

        for me not to have to rely on the shoes I'd stashed

        at three strategic points along the marathon course.


        ps - any doubts about not running in the snow and ice

        were fully dispelled some years ago with a posting

        on his blog of beat-up, bloody feet

        by Barefoot Rick Roeber.

        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)