On the Bench


Not meant to run?? (Read 115 times)

    I have been running between 3-5 miles at least 2 times a week for the past 5 years. Most weeks at least. This past year I started increasing, not too fast, following a nice 10 k and then HM training plan and supplementing one "easy" run day for cross training on the bike. Got up to an 8 mile long run......and got injured. The physical therapist told me today maybe I'm not meant to be a distance runner. I disagree, because 1) I don't think that 8 miles qualifies as a distance runner. Maybe 10 miles consistently, but not one 8 mile run. And 2) If I train smart, why shouldn't I be able to add on milage slowly?? Do you think that some people just aren't meant to run??? I don't think I could ever give it up......


      you know, I thought based on my experiences in HS that I was never ment to run. Imagine my surprise when i picked it up this time, found I actually enjoyed it and was able to complete a 5k! I also made it to my 8 mi training distance in my HM training, ran it fine - and then got injured on my next short/easy run. I'm now battling what seems to be similar pains that I got in HS - nagging knees and ankles combined with shin splints. or what I think of as shin splints anyhow. When I first picked running back up, I chalked my injuries up in HS to poor coaching - this time, i'm fairly confident I'm to blame - I certainly wasn't running my long runs as long slow distance - I ran every training run at tempo pace apparently - and I suspect this is why I'm now damaged. I'll have to see what the PT says as I've got my first appt next Monday. But after all that, I do think that if you do it right, you should be able to add the mileage!
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        Shaunna, I think most everyone can run, it is just a matter of training and training right. Training "right" is different for everyone and you just need to figure out what your "right" is. Just keep trying, once you've recovered from your injury. You are meant to run!! Smile
        So do not get tired and stop trying. - Hebrews 12:3