Diabetic Runners


Frustrated (Read 132 times)

    It seems that I can not run 6 miles. I run it, feel good afterwards, but two days later everything hurts, and have to lay off for sometime. Now it is my right knee and it even hurts to walk on it. Somehow I have to figure out what is causing the problem. I am going back to my old off the shelf shoes, as my new ones have not helped, and am not sure if they contributed to the problem or not. My logs are not detailed enough to tell what kinds of aches and pains I had, other than they were not painfull enough to raise concern, or stop me from running. Well to update this post, I took those shoes back and they reevaluated my needs, and said that I was truely an excessive overpronator, and they put me in a pair of Brook's Beast, with the new MOGO modsole. Cost me an additional $32, but if they work it is worth it.
    Age is not an illusion
      What is your after-run routine like? Do you stretch? eat something? take it easy the rest of the day? If you're feeling OK during the run, maybe something you're doing afterward is causing you to not recuperate quickly. From looking at your log, it looks like you do mostly 3 mile runs, then throw in a 6-miler. Why don't you try working up slowly from 3 miles to 6 miles for one run/ week? They say your weekly mileage shouldn't increase by more than 10%/week but I've heard the same thing about the long run. I wouldn't necessarily go just from 3 to 3.3, etc but maybe from 3 to 3.5 to 4... ~Stacie
        Stacie, Yea I stretch aftwards, and take it easy. I rest the day before and the day after the run too. I am following a schedual that has the long run at about 30-40 % of the weekly milage, running 5 days a week, that leaves room for just about 3 miles 4 days a week. The next few weeks were suposed to have more 4 and 5 and 6 miles run, while the long run goes 7, 8 and 9. I am not sure how I am going to handle it now. I want to run for the diabetes first. That is I want the exercise more than I want the milage, and speed. I am thinking of building on the 3 or 4 mile run. that is build up the daily milage untill they all are 4 miles each, then throw in a couple of 5 mile days, then take one day and begin to stretch it out for the long run, reducing one or two of the 5 mile days at first. I think you may have a good idea about adding just a half mile to the long run at a time It is hard for me to hold back, I have reduced the HR too, but I am trying to keep focused on the exercise first. I called the Shoe strore before I returned the shoes, and they said if they did not fit me properly they would take back the shoes. I thought, well there is the caveat, and I am out of luck. I was surprised when they looked, and said look like you are in the correct shoe, but came back with the Beast. I thought they would come back maybe with a Stability shoe instead. I told them so, but they said no, you need motion control and are a severe, excessive, truely overpronator, and need the support. Boy, I do not know how I am going to control myself. I guess the pain will every couple of weeks if I don't. I am finding out it is taking longer by sitting out 4 days out of every three weeks, and starting over.
        Age is not an illusion