Running4FA's profile   

Gender: Male
Profession: Taking Care of my infant son wit
Age: 50
Current Weight: 89.8 kg
Goal Weight: 81.6 kg
About me: 
I am 35, musician/composer that has now become a nurse, respiratory therapist, physical/occupational/speech therapist, and father to my infant son born May 1, 2008 His medical challenges have become the focus of my life. Running is my outlet and tribute to him and all the patients of his very rare disease that has less than 1000 reported cases worldwide.
Why do I run: 
The way I feel after a run is amazing. I also run/train to begin running in races to raise awareness for Fanconi, Anemia, my 1 year old son's life-threatening disease. On May 1, 2009 I will be launching a website to organize runners and volunteers from all over the country that would like to help me in my quest to spread awareness for FA. It's an easy way to help while doing an activity you love. Feel free to contact me if you have questions
Why I started running: 
My son has Fanconi Anemia, a very rare disease that often leads to bone marrow failure. These patients also have a higher risk for leukemia, & certain cancers. I started running as a tribute to my son and all the patients with FA.