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10:30 AM

96 km


12:01 mi


121 lb
137 bpm
168 bpm


56 F


10 / 10

Race Result

1 / 8 (12.5%)
1 / 8 (12.5%)
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Results: Offical 96 laps (96k/59.65mi) in 11:56:37. Unofficial walked an extra lap afterward to reach 60.27mi in 12:14:12. gps (short) recorded 56.47mi in 11:56:37.

Course: 1km loop on mulch and rocks. Overall is fairly flat but the slight up and downs really add up after repeating the loop 96 times. Many sharp turns so the GPS is not accurate and short (set to ultra mode which updates every 5 seconds), recordind each lap between 0.54-0.65 miles (0.87k to 1k). Some parts of the terrain are very uneven with rocks and branches, tripped many many times especially after dark, although did not actually face-plant myself. I was not prepared for running in this terrain, aches and soreness started earlier that I expected.

Weather: Great. Started at 57F 80% humidity overcast, reached 69F 53% sunny but lots of tree shades, then back down to 57F 74% at the end. Very pleasant weather.

Strategy: Go easy. Water/stretch/walk break every 3 laps (about 2mi). Fuel every 6 laps. I did this until I needed to start fueling and resting more frequently after a few hours in.

Fuel: Total intake 11 gels (2 clifshots and 9 hammer), calorie 100x2+90x9 = 1010. 10 Krispy creme glazed donuts, calorie 190x10 = 1900. Total 2910. Lots of water and noticed I had stopped to pee very often, I was worried about too much water, so I also took 3 salt caps/pills half way through the race, and limited my water intake afterward. I ate donuts because it was easy to eat on the go, and I was afraid of GI issues eating other stuff. After the race I ate several cups of creamy potato soup, very tasty, but gave me gas for the next 6 hours. Good that I did not eat that during the run.
