SweetBeaRuns's profile   

Gender: Female
Profession: Congressional Staffer
Age: 43
Current Weight: 53.5 kg
Location: Washington, DC
About me: 
28 and HORRIBLY unfit. Trying to stay 28 and become less unfit :) I'm petite and slender, but in no ways am I in shape (though I am quite squishy...)
Why do I run: 
Well, as much as I try to disagree, I will not be able to run and get less squishy by sitting on the couch eating cookies and reading/thinking about running. So, I grab my shoes and hit the road...
Why I started running: 
Because I hate running. And I don't like hating things, so I decided I would start running. I tried running starting January 2008, and like so many before me, I quit by March. So now, one year older and quite a few pounds squishier, I am starting again. Also, I like having goals and challenges and this is the ultimate challenge for me. Most of all, if I can get my lungs in shape, I can use them for my one true love: karaoke!