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5:00 AM



185 lb
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I just realized I've been very negligent logging my non-running routines. Maybe it's not that important, but it could explain why during some of my runs the miles are not so effortless while during others the miles just seem to fly by.

My upper right calve was very tight from yesterday's run, so I did extra stretching this morning. I'm not sure if last night's ice bath helped; perhaps my muscles would be even more stiff if I hadn't taken it.

Did some great, simple routines this morning to prepare for Sat's tournament.

-Step and punch to face

-Step and jab with immediate (almost simultaneous) counter

-Reverse downblock with immediate step and counter punch

10 attack sparring, both sides, jodan oi-zuki, chudan oi-zuki, mae-geri, mawashi geri; three rounds = 240 advances.
