Run: Race Previous Next


4:37 AM

26.2 mi


8:32 mi


150 lb


68 F

Race Result

509 / 19838 (2.6%)
29 / 913 (3.2%)
416 / 9523 (4.4%)
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69 degrees F and 100% humidity at 5:35 am Eastern. Brutal, at least for me. Legs started to cramp by the halfway point. Slow run from the beginning, with lots of stops, frequent walk breaks, and plenty of fluids and bananas (well, I probably should've started on the bananas sooner!) along the way to ward off cramps. I felt less likely to cramp (quads were main concern) in the last 5 miles than I did during miles 17 - 19 (while in the ESPN sports complex). Probably a result of really ingesting max fluids, bananas and gu once it became apparent that cramps could end the day. The pain in the quads was intense, but it stopped feeling like they were going to "lock up" on me. I walked briskly at each aid station and drank a full powerade AND water before running again.

Spent a few hours at Magic Kingdom afterwards!
