Ginn-A-GoGo's profile   

Profession: Graphic Designer
Age: 45
Current Weight: 59.9 kg
Goal Weight: 56.7 kg
Location: Tuxedo, New York
About me: 
I am married, living in a suburb of NYC. I love running, reading, art, food, cooking and long conversations over a cup of tea. I'm still adjusting to moving out of Manhattan. It's very quiet out here in the "country".
Why do I run: 
I am completely energized when I finish a run, no matter how short it is. I feel so much better about myself. It also is a great time to contemplate life. I am also a more pleasent person to be around.
Why I started running: 
To lose those last few college pounds, which I did, plus a little more! I chose running because I envied all of those skinny little girls in the park getting in shape and looking as though they enjoy it!