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<No name>


This week was definently full of ups and downs. I am nervous for next week because I will not be able to fully attend practice with the boys for 3 days out of the 5. I just want to quickly reflect on what I think has been the absolute most beneficial change for me this track season which has been the magic number 5:10. I have a somewhat busy schedule and I like to rush things when I know I can get them done quicker in order to have more time, with the 5:10 deadline that has disappeared from my worries. I don't ever worry about staying at practice too late because I know I will always be able to get home by 5:20 and start my school work. Before, I would try to do everything as efficiently as possible to save a few minutes, but with the consistent end time, I feel a lot better with doing everything with more quality and then if I don't finish those last few hip exercises, I know I can get them in at home.


Paul Vandersteen

Great feedback. We are going to implement this fall, too.