chris32323's profile   

Profession: Teacher
Age: 56
Current Weight: 85.7 kg
Goal Weight: 81.6 kg
Location: Kitchener, Ontario
About me: 
I like to run, but am too interested in other activities to focus solely on running. I also mountain bike, snowboard, canoe and have recently started road cycling. However, I've run a few marathons and will probably try to qualify for Boston in a couple of years.
Why do I run: 
To stay in shape, so I can live an active life and keep up with or stay ahead of my 3 teenage sons!
Why I started running: 
I ran in high school, but then didn't really run much for about 10 years. I started again when I was about 30, because I noticed I had gained a little weight and couldn't do some of my regular activities as well.