run4rock's profile   

Gender: Male
Age: 34
Current Weight: 57.6 kg
Goal Weight: 57.6 kg
About me: 
I enjoy running and all of its many benefits. I constantly strive to enjoy life and love the thrill of adrenaline and extreme sports. I have run cross-country since seventh grade and am the defending Japan DODDS (Department of Defense District Schools-Military Schools) Cross Country Champion. I have also run track since seventh grade (did varsity soccer in freshmen year). My long term goals complete at least five marathons (including the Boston, New York, Mount Olympus, and Honolulu marathons). I would also like to complete the Western Trail Ultimate 100 Miler.
Why do I run: 
I love runner's high and the good feeling that accompanies most runs. Additionally, I love the fact that running is healthy and does nothing but help the body stay efficient.
Why I started running: 
I started running because I just felt like it one day. My dad has run since before I was born and while on vacation in South Korea during the summer after sixth grade I just decided I wanted to run with him and ran two miles with him.