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7:00 AM


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<No name>


I don't know what happened to this log but I biked for 45 minutes. Short day, but couldn't get much in because of stupid school haha. Next week will hopefully be easier to get some good work in.

Also, today I was working on a paper in the library, and I conversed with this older women who was working there and watering the plants. She was so friendly and cute! After about 5 minutes when she was leaving, she said that she hadn’t been asked how her day was going in a long time, and that I had made her day in doing so. It made me sad that she felt forgotten about, but happy how something as simple as “how’s your day?” made her so delighted. I feel like older people are often forgotten about and swept under the rug, which is not a fun way to spend the final years of your life, but that's probably why they always appreciate the little stuff. I love old people. Probably because I'm a bit of an old soul. I've got the heart of an 8 year old and the mind of an 80 year old. If I live into my elderly years, I am going to make the most of it and have a bunch of fun. I think I will cause a lot of trouble because old people can kinda get away with that stuff. Anyway, if you ever see the cute little old lady in the library, ask her how her day is! (And ask her how her son’s birthday party went). You never know how much a 5 minute conversation or even just a simple question can make a difference.
