Run: Hill Previous Next


6:05 AM

12 mi


8:54 mi


108.3 lb
153 bpm
175 bpm


32 F
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Temp 32, DP 29 - wind of 3 mph from east.

Met Lauren and did 7 Iwo Jima hills - using one way sign as the stop for the uphill, and the tree as the stop for the downhill. Legs were definitely tired from Sunday's run; but my gait felt good. Could have done 8, but decided 7 was enough.

Breakfast was rice, hemp powder, and smores and vanilla Gus - sat well.

Breathing was good - Breo, Qvar, and one puff of rescue.

Wore ankle braces - HR strap not working so I don't know balance.

long sleeve and tights were perfect for this weather.

Did two sets of Gambetta circuit after - 10 air squats, 10 lunges, 10 curb step-ups, 10 squat-jumps
