Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:48 AM

12 mi


7:54 mi


107.2 lb
156 bpm
175 bpm
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On Fluffy. Incline at 1% for most part.

Did fartlek warm-up of 3:00, 4x0:30, 4x0:10, and then did a 4 mile tempo on the treadmill - started at 8.8, worked up to 9.0-9.1 which I held for most of it, and up to 9.2/9.3 at the end. Paces for the fast part way off as measured by foot pod. I think I should just get a treadmill sensor and give up on the footpod for the treadmill running since I know the treadmill is accurate.

Supposedly the tempo was 4 miles in 27:03 - as noted, I suspect it was a bit faster.

Footpod was calibrated at 103.7

Wore ankle braces. L/R balance very biased to right.

Breakfast was rice, hemp powder, and salted caramel and smores GUs - sat well.

Breathing was good - Advair 250/50 and Qvar.
