JETPOIRY's profile   

Welp, That's Me.
Gender: Male
Profession: School.
Age: 29
Current Weight: 59 kg
Goal Weight: 61.2 kg
Location: Pemberville, Ohio
Home page:
About me: 
All I know about me is, my name.Jake Poiry. Now I'm not that good of a runner.......yet. I can be insane when it come to anything. My hobby is doing anything but laying around all day. Well, thats all I'm going to say. Bye.
Why do I run: 
I run to have fun, I run to keep fit, and I run to be close to the team. They treat me better than anyone else I know. Oh, and I still believe I can be fast some day.
Why I started running: 
I started running because I was called by the 8th grade Cross Country Coach asking me to join the team of Eastwood. During my Freshman year, I joined the High School team. The High school team is like a family to me.