Help-training smart? (Read 347 times)

    Ok, so I need lots and lots of advice on learning how to train smart so as not to get injured again and again and again...I'm starting back up after a month layoff for a stress reaction, and am leaving on 29JUN for army stuff for a month. First coupla days I need to run a 2mile PT test, which I'd like to get <15min on. At this point, I'm a bit nervous, I know it's only 2 miles, and I could just gut it out without training too much, but still, I'd like to get some practice in for it. And then after I return from Ft. Lewis, I have a bunch of fall races, 2 marathons, and such, to do.


    So my question is, can you give me some pointers and tips for the month of June so I could start up again, and then how to continue after july? My biggest problem is easy runs too fast and thinking I need to run 8 miles/day every day when clearly I can't handle that. :/ I really want to avoid injuries in the future!! Thanks...


      I think you just answered your own question
      Run like you stole it!