warm-up? (Read 436 times)

My prewash:)

    What do you regular racers warm up with before a 10k?

    "Carpe Diem"


      I think you'll find a variety of responses for this qx. For me.........I like to do at 2 mile warm up and thats for a 20k and under. I start my warm up slow.....2 mins/mile or more over my race pace and then continue to slowly build it until I'm within 30 secs for the last 2 - 3 mins. Follow up with some easy strides, but kicks, etc. I'm sure there's something better........this is more of a superstitious warm up than anything.


        I usually do around a two mile light jog and a few quick bursts toward the end. Now, I don't often remember to do this before races, but I really notice the difference when I do!

        HTFU?  Why not!

        USATF Coach

        Empire Tri Club Coach
        Gatorade Endurance Team

        A Saucy Wench

          about 2 miles with 2-3 brief pickups to race pace in the second mile. And by brief I mean accelerate for 10-20 steps and coast back down.

          I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


          "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7


            What do you regular racers warm up with before a 10k?
            I like at least 4 miles - Sometimes I prerun the whole course - Slow with pickups

            Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



            My prewash:)

              Thanks for the info!

              "Carpe Diem"