Psychosomatic? (Read 547 times)


2010 Goofy Trainee

    Allow me to lie back on the couch... I've been having a ton of injuries in the last few months, and this week despite taking 2 weeks off from running, I still feel a lot of pain. Here's what else is going on in my life right now: 1) big project at work, over budget, behind schedule, working lots of O/T, tons of pressure 2) Holiday preparation (decorating, buying gifts, wrapping gifts, mailing gifts, parties, etc.) 3) training for a marathon on Jan 11 (plus planning travel arrangements) 4) normal life stuff (kids, swim lessons, boy scouts, sports, etc.) Can a lot of stress in life cause muscles to become tense, and thus lead to a greater occurrence of injuries? I'm generally a tightly-wound person, and as I think back over the past few years, most of my serious running injuries have coincided with periods of higher stress in my life. Coincidence? (the funny thing is I used to run to relieve stress. But now training for a marathon and focusing on avoiding injuries has made running stressful too.)

    Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream...


      Where's the ROTFLMAO emoticons Sorry for laughing so hard. Answer....HELL YEAH ! I"m stressing out because I'm missing my long run this weekend and I don't have a day to make it up. And I'm missing it because I'm going deer hunting ! Oh, did I mention.....I ain't even training for anything. Can we say OCD? Nothing wrong with a day or two off. Your not going to lose any fitness level. Man, just reviewed your log.....you have had alot of injuries. I'm not sure they are all actual injuries but better to be cautious. Now I don't want to add to your stress.....and this is just my opinion.....you don't have enough training under your belt to do a Marathon on Jan 11th.......Unless......you are planning on walking and your cool with a 5 hr or more finish. Which I'm cool with. It's Friday.....Ditch the kids, get drunk with the wife and sleep off your hang over.

        It's not psychosamatic--you truly only have so much adaptive energy to go around. Life stress can absolutely lead to running injuries or illness, just like too much training stress can. Running for running's sake is a great stress relief. When it becomes work to stay on a training schedule despite life's other stresses, the stress relief benefits are counteracted. Whenever I'm training for a marathon the amount I'm running is way, way more than what's required for stress releif or general fitness and only adds to the total ammount of bodily/mental stress. The holiday season (which happens to coincide with the most stressful time of the year in my line of work) is when I just shut down and run when I feel like it--for those very reasons. But, hey, never mind that. You've got a marathon on Jan 11 so good luck!

        Runners run

        Why is it sideways?

          I'd just like to echo SLO and mikey's comments. What happens in life outside running affects running. For sure. And that's a good thing: because running relates to the rest of our lives so intimately, it can also influence the rest of life positively. Striking the right balance is sometimes hard, but even for the most dedicated of us, it's life first.

          2010 Goofy Trainee

            Where's the ROTFLMAO emoticons Now I don't want to add to your stress.....and this is just my opinion.....you don't have enough training under your belt to do a Marathon on Jan 11th.......Unless......you are planning on walking and your cool with a 5 hr or more finish. Which I'm cool with.
            I'm sadly aware of my unprepreparedness for the upcoming marathon, but I've lowered my expectations and at this point I''d be happy just to finish.

            Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream...