Just starting out. (Read 744 times)


    Well I thought it would be a good idea to log my runs at RA since my best friend does as well. The girl beagle down the road wanted me to use runnersworld but I dumped that b*@#h for saying something stupid like that.
    You can't trust girl beagles. They think they are princesses. Image and video hosting by TinyPic


    I run for Fried Chicken!

      Best thread EVER!

        rocket, good luck with the training. my dog only can go a mile before she has had it, but she lets me know that she is done by laying down somewhere. Big grin there has been a few dogs that have run 26.2. just a few years ago there was some guy that ran and his dog beat him by 10 seconds or so. i think it was somewhere out east, but i am not sure. my dog was more into that story at the time, than me. i should ask her. maybe she could tell you. anyway, take it easy and gradually build up the mileage and the pace. so that by the time it does get warm, you are good to go. oh yes and make sure there are plenty of dog treats! Wink


        My Hero

          srlopez, That is one hot beagle. grwwwwwwwl. I would be happy to be her dog in shinning fur! However, that would mean I would have to take a bath. Ummmm don't like those. Got one of those two weeks ago and not a big fan. Forget it no princess dogs for me. I like the rough and dirty kind that aren't afraid to put there nose in a pile of trash or in my case the toilet.
          2009 Goal - Run 600 miles. Weigh 65 pounds

          My Hero

            finchy, I don't think I will ever do a marathon. I'm not good at pacing myself. I start off strong leaping and running just happy to be outside a bit but then I start to get a little tired at the end. My best friend says we should start out slow and then get faster but I don't understand why. It is to darned cold to start out slow and the wind ohhh the wind. I love the way it just makes my ears flop. I feel so alive. I have no clue why that guy is all bundled up with gloves and a hat. Dude should get a fur coat. Actually all of you two legged animals should have a fur coat. They rock in the winter. I don't see myself running during the summer nearly as much or as far. Two darn hot. That stupid fur coat gets in the way me thinks. hmmm maybe fur coat not such a good idea. I've heard you can shave off your fur coat. Not sure I trust anyone with my fur. Maybe the chick the Milk Truck put up grwwwl. Thanks for pic man and the sleepless nights.
            2009 Goal - Run 600 miles. Weigh 65 pounds