Very low heart rate? (Read 245 times)


One day at a time

    I'm as slow as a turtle, but even with the more limited miles I run, I've been looked at funny by nurses when they've seen my low heart rate.  When they hear that I'm a runner, they look relieved (mine is in the 50s, but I'm an older woman).


    not bad for mile 25

      I actually have to do a bit of a jog just before I donate blood, or I will be disqualified due to low HR.


        I saw my cardiologist again yesterday and am now wearing a 24 hour Holter monitor so that we can see what is going on with my heart rhythm when it drops so low. My cardiologist spoke to a trainer at the hospital and he said it might be a matter of increasing muscle mass and incorporating more strength training into my routine. I also saw my cousin this weekend who mentioned that her heart rate (she’s also a runner) will dip into the 30s, so I’m thinking it could be partly genetic. I’ll know more when I get the Holter results, but has anyone else heard that strength training can increase heart rate? My cardiologist wants me to do it at least 3x a week but that’s going to be difficult for me to incorporate into my weekly schedule.


        One day at a time

          That's interesting. My heart rate dropped when I was doing strength training three times a week through May.  Then I stopped the strength training but continued running, and my heart rate went back up.


            Ask for a Heart Rate Monitor that is wireless and sticks to your chest for 2 weeks or so.  They can see if you are having some sort of Heart Block, but probably you are just wicked fit!!.  Mine is in the 30's all day when i am in really good shape.  sometimes i freak out when watch shows -- meaning too low to register which would be below 30.  Doc does not think it drops that low but low 30's can be normal for some.


            hi, I’m new to this community but have been running for about 7 years. I’m in college and run for my school’s XC and Track team and have noticed that my heart rate has been extremely low. It usually hits a low of about 30-33 bpm daily and hovers around 38 throughout the day when I’m resting. I’ve had EKGs and an ultrasound of my heart done and everything is fine, but a heart rate this low scares me. I guess I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I saw a cardiologist last year about it, but that was back when my lowest heart rate was 38. Should I seek a second opinion? Has anyone else experienced this low of a heart rate?

              I'm curious as to the outcome of this, if the OP is still around.


                I’m new to the board, but just wanted to chime in. I was born with a slow heart rate. Around 40. I still have it and it’s funny to see nurses whisper to each other when I go to the dr. It doesn’t (mine at least) change based on my weight or activity level. I’m referring to the resting state- it does rise when I exercise obviously.

                I have never had any issues. Actually when I was born, my mother said the dr just casually stated, “hmm. Could be a runner.”


                  I'm 54 years old, and have been running for 30 years.  My resting heart rate is consistently around 45.  Back when I was running marathons about 20 years ago, my resting heart rate used to be in the 30s.  When running, my average HR is in typically in the 130-140 range, and max is around 180-190.  I'm crazy anal about my diet, so I have low cholesterol without taking any medications.  Blood pressure is very good too.  My doc says I'm very low risk for any cardiovascular disease, and just keep doing what you're doing.......When I went in for a colonoscopy early this summer, I warned the nurses ahead of time that I have a resting HR in the 45 range....as I was dozing off to sleep, I heard them going "wow - look at his HR, this guy is in really good shape". 


                  June 22 - Mad Fox Trail Fest 10K
